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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Oh, like Georgia will ever allow the EVIIIIIIIIL medical marijuana to pass. :rollingmyeyes: But perhaps they will next session. You would THINK it would have already been done.
  2. Ahem - anti-ILLEGAL immigration zingers, sil vous plait. We love immigrants...my ancestors were legal immigrants. Those who stand in line and do the work to get here legally, I'm all for. It's those who break the rules to come here I have a problem with.
  3. I'm glad word got out however it did. I have a friend who has a service dog for PTSD (he did 4 tours in Iraq/Afg and was injured). Dog always wears his vest, and is extremely well-behaved (duh).; Honestly - who doesn't know that service dogs are allowed anywhere? In my friend's case, it would be an inconvenience not to have him around. In this girl's case, it could be life or death not to have the dog around. Good for this manager for trying to make things right; I hope he reams his employees for not doing better. In the midst of my ire, I did think that perhaps people ONLY associate
  4. You know what's not cool? Our space agency is apparently sitting around on its thumbs doing nothing. :smh:
  5. Yes, I had forgotten about Pinewood...very big deal. Tyler Perry also has a ton of stuff going on here.
  6. The FAQ section says that the year before last, the eggs were laid in December and hatched by January 22 (two hatched that year, hence B3's name).
  7. Oh, I think I know who you are. Yes, I was speaking strictly from personal experience of not liking to hurry up and wait and stand around forever waiting for some technical glitch to get fixed and shooting and re-shooting and re-re-shooting takes. People have this ethereal image in their heads of glamor and whatever, when in reality it's MUCH MORE of a nuts-and-bolts production. The film industry is great in Georgia (I think I read recently Georgia is #3 behind NY and California?), and for those who work in it, that is a great thing. Georgia has great locales, a great pool of talent to
  8. We have an upright freezer, so that wouldn't be an issue. Totally agree on the front-loading washing machines, though. Next one we get will be a top-loading Speed Queen.
  9. I am loving watching them work on the nest. One of them will work for the longest time getting a branch put just where they want it, moving it here and there till it's just right. Man, the nest sure looks heftier than it did earlier this year!
  10. Well, it was more of an acknowledgment of what you said But I did like the words - esp. the way you put them together like you did. Very sexy.
  11. If there's a fence and a federal sign, it's very recent. I've been out there and you just walk out in the (unfenced on at least one side) pasture about 50' and look up when you get to the tree. They had a whole club of people a couple of weeks ago observing them working on the nest. And why would you need to climb up in the tree to verify? Get a pair of binoculars.
  12. The next to last update on the eagle page says they're still having issues with the cameras. Maybe the sound is part of that? I also remember their saying that. I'm so excited to be watching again!
  13. Wife threatened to cut off your privates and feed them to the birds, huh?
  14. Hmmm...y'all are makin' me lean toward the French Door/freezer drawer bottom thing. I am really liking the thought of food in front of you thing without having to bend over 20 times a day.
  15. The old eagle thread was getting a bit long in the tooth, so I took it upon myself to start a new one. I've learned a couple of interesting things of late. Today's Rome News-Tribune has a fantastic shot of the male snatching a coot (a migrating waterfowl) from one of the lakes in Garden Lakes. Subscription required to view the photo, so I can't post. But it is a marvelous shot. Garden Lakes is about 1.5 miles, I reckon, as the crow eagle flies from Berry. Recent update says they're hunting there, and a few other bodies of water nearby. Update also says they're in the nest a lot, doin
  16. OK, this is a first world issue, so I am laughing at myself. For years and years now, I have only had the big side-by-side refrigerators in the places I've lived. Now I find myself in a rental with a regular refrigerator (freezer on top, refrigerator on bottom), and it's driving me nuts. What idiot thought that putting the freezer on top was a good idea? For starters, heat rises. For enders, you use the refrigerator part a HECK of a lot more than the freezer part, and for anybody over five years old, it's bending over and reaching in multiple times per day to find what you want. Not o
  17. You quit? Why didn't you tell me? How could you deprive the world of all that male yumminess?
  18. BTW, I do not disagree with you, Pubby, in your comments...I find this sort of programming to be beyond stupid and misleading.
  19. I remember the same about his going to FL...he was out of pocket here for a number of days. He'll be happy to know he's missed... I do have a soft spot in my heart for the nutty curmudgeon.
  20. No interest on my part but the casting call listings are interesting! I suspect if people knew how dull tv and movie making is, it'd be a lot less glamorous.
  21. Everything I've ever read (including recently) says it's not worth it to install (install price and savings both). But there HAS to be a way to make it work! It's too obvious a source of energy to let go to waste. Keep us posted on what you find out.
  22. Amen - those who serve and who have served in the military are my heroes. I don't care if you counted beans in Kansas, you were at the disposal of the armed services and could have been assigned to a dangerous area. God bless you every one. And happy birthday yesterday to the fabulous Marine Corps! Booyah! ( to cmorg)
  23. Agreed...I just surf right on past. Some of the channels - History Channel, Animal Planet, Weather Channel, et al - are making complete fools of themselves with the sewerish programming they've descended into.
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