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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. How did you come to spend the day with her, if I may be nosy? I still like her cooking, but she's a bit...bawdy, for lack of a better word, for me. Crass...is that a better word for what I'm thinking? I mean, I don't dislike her or anything...I just don't particularly care for her style. However, Bobby is still WAY HOT. Hubba, hubba!
  2. Get out of my head! I totally agree. It was in 2003, it was a scratch on his arm in the midst of an apparently messy divorce, woooooooo. I'm voting for Will because I think he's a better candidate, and because of her record while on the BOE. Now, if something else really atrocious comes out, I may change my thinking. But this just seems awfully lame to me. I still think her using Rakestraw in her name is just frickin' hilarious, esp. in light of this arrest record.
  3. Scroll down past the mug shot for the entire report, although I warn you, it is hard to make out.
  4. Well, I'm not voting for her, but that's not why. After reading the whole report (which was incredibly hard to make out, btw), it seems pretty lame. She cut a "gash" out of his hair (for a drug test, she said) and scratched his arm trying to get her cell phone from him? Really? Wooooo. The divorce may have been messy, and I think her using "Rakestraw" in her name is incredibly hilarious, but that's not why I'm not voting for her. I'm not voting for her because of her record of voting for tax increases while on the Board of Education.
  5. I have sciatica from time to time, but my mother's is really bad. She will occasionally fall for no apparent reason when hers is really acting up. She says first thing she knows, she's on the floor/ground, and it's like her leg wouldn't work. I wouldn't wait to get it looked at, though. Her dr. told her that if you let it go on long enough when your legs, etc., are affected, the damage might not can be reversed. Her dr. prescribes her a 6-day packet of low-dose cortizone when hers flares up, and it's like magic...all better just a few hours after the first dose.
  6. Awwwwwwwwwww...thankee, thankee! :blush:
  7. You make an excellent point, but I have to say that we grew up with guns in our house. We knew how to use them from about age 10 (two girls and a boy), where the guns were kept, and where the ammo was. It never entered our heads to take either or both on our own. Probably because we knew if we did, we'd best just keep running and hope the Sheriff got us before the parental units did.
  8. Yeppers. My brother lives in Johnson City in a $600,000 house in the city. Both of his taxes - city and county - combined are about the same as my $225,000 house. (According to City-Data.com, Washington County population in July 2009: 120,598 [67% urban, 33% rural].) I agree with Go Blue! Ain't votin' myself no tax. They want it, they're gonna have to come get it.
  9. Hmmm...I think if my kid were in this class, somebody would be getting an earful tomorrow morning. Not cool.
  10. FTA: 1. People who misuse the apostrophe, Part 1: The rule about apostrophes is so simple: If it's plural there's no apostrophe. EXCEPT if you're talking about the possessive of a plural, such as "the Mathises' dog," etc. I couldn't resist. Also, I type too fast sometimes and make errors, and some text editors on some sites delete the second of the two spaces between sentences. I try not to be too OCD about it, but I'm a work in progress. I'm not nearly as hard on other people as I am on myself.
  11. Last Democrat I voted for was Zell (in his second Senate election). Can't remember before that.
  12. WELL SAID!!! I, too, am very careful, and don't answer the door most times. RE: the elderly - there are an awful LOT of con men out there selling insurance policies that negate their Medicare or Medicaid coverage and do less for them, etc., but the older folks don't know and it takes a frickin' boat load of effort to get them out of the mess. Awesome!!!
  13. Well, since I'm voting for Monds, I'd join the trio, except that I'm giving a third vote to Will.
  14. Holy crap. 11 years old. Of course, one of the Jonesboro shooters was 10, wasn't he? Ye gods.
  15. CRAP! I was gonna give you a positive vote, but I also clicked the red by accident!!! Dang dyslexia. sorry And in case anyone needs a reason to visit Subby, he is da bomb. He brought my old dead push mower back to life, and it's the most fantastic mower now!!! PS - I gave myself a negative vote just now to make it even. (I am such a goob.)
  16. No, no - it's "because smileys are teh ghey". FWIW, I heard a long time ago that they were considering adjusting SR92 to go up Cedarcrest from the Crossroads instead of turning right and going up 381 to 41 (when they get around to widening SR92 up this far). I think I heard it had something to do with the proposed I-75 exit slated for Third Army Road area, and I also heard mutterings about improving the Cedarcrest area so they could lure a major golf championship to Governors Town Club or Bentwater. As I said, FWIW.
  17. When my allergies really flare up, my legs ache like I have the flu. I usually feel dreadful all over as well.
  18. :swoon: Ernest T. is my faaaaaaaaaaaavorite!!! PS - Being "in love" is NOT necessarily (or even usually) the same as True Love. Edited to add the "NOT"...DUH!
  19. Ditto here. I'm way yonder conservative, but I just cannot vote for Deal. I've got a healthy bit of libertarian (small "l") in me, anyway. Ditto again.
  20. Ikea scares me. I don't know why. But then, Bono's glasses scare me, too. I'm a skeeredy cat. BTW - I'm sure Rocky's Mom is right on the cost and time overruns. Plan on it.
  21. Floyd is a Level 2. But I think the only diff is that a Level 1 has all specialties on duty at all times vs. some being on call at a Level 2. (Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.) Floyd is a pretty darn good hospital. I'm voting NO because I am not voting another tax increase, period. They get enough of our money...let them divert money from parks/whatever to trauma centers.
  22. Bless your heart, but you opened the door with your original comments about it being such a pain to make the trip at such and such a time. Not dissing you; just explaining. I think poster is one of those ultra plain-spoken persons.
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