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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Me, too. And what up with the imaginary friends? Is she 3?
  2. It depends. Is my "sin" embezzling money? Yes, I would expect to be fired. Is my "sin" not against him? No, I wouldn't expect to be fired. If I went against everything I stood for, though, and then expected him to treat me as if I still believed those things, I would be foolish.
  3. Even snail mail should have been there by now. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR...
  4. She'll walk...straight into the nearest bar. I hope every minute of every day of the rest of her life is SHEER MISERY.
  5. Intentional or not, sounds like they could use some time in my Slapping Machine, whenever it gets invented. I fear you are correct here. Stupid is apparently hard to get over.
  6. To me, it isn't about "making mistakes". Making a mistake is putting one too many eggs in your cake batter because you lost count. Ditching your husband/wife for somebody else and then going to church (which does not espouse such behavior) the very next Sunday is not a mistake - it's a grievous error in judgment, IMHO. And I don't not forgive any of the afore-mentioned people...they haven't wronged me personally. I just choose not to patronize them for the very reason justgettingby said - they're hypocrites, and haven't uttered one word of oh, I'm sorry, oh, that was wrong, oh, I wish I'd
  7. I AGREE. I was sick when I heard about what happened. His wife MADE him, in every respect (except she didn't give him talent), and he just ditched her like yesterday's newspaper. He is one of my all-time favorite country singers, but I cannot stomach him now, either. (A la Vince Gill, who dumped his wife for Amy Grant, and didn't even want to pay her much for their years together...judgie-wudgie didn't agree and gave her 38% of his earnings - about half after taxes, I figger - for the years they were together. Scum. I note he's sold like 13 records since then, too. Ditto Amy Grant.
  8. Well, why didn't they agree to some vote guilty and some not guilty so there would be a hung jury so she could be retried? Geez Louise. This a horrible case all the way around. I'm with you, Tabby...everything about it is horrible. IF the prosecution didn't prove its case (and WHAT was that idiot ADA doing making faces when Baez was talking, etc.???), they really had no choice, but why didn't they go for lesser charges, including child abuse, etc.? At least she would have gotten SOMETHING. They would have taken flack about not making it a capital case, but it couldn't possibly have be
  9. That says something about NC as well...something good, that is. DreamGirl, on my behalf, thanks for helping our friend through this hard time. Words really can't express how much something like that means when you're hurting. I don't know you, but I like you.
  10. THIS would be a huge motivation...I mean, give an interview, feed your kids, keep your house, or kids go hungry, lose your house...yeah, I might pick interview.
  11. THIS, I thought, was inexcusable. Is he a 7th-grader? If he weren't retiring, I'd say fire his arse.
  12. But surely not surprising.
  13. Well crap!!! Why would anybody in their right mind agree to be on a long, difficult jury? You could lose your house over this! Good ones will pay your regular salary and let you keep the (piddly) jury pay as well. But at least they should make up the difference in the name of the good of society or whatever.
  14. Oh, well - look on the bright side...at least your daughter will retain a few more brain cells till then. HAHAHAHA Sorry...I just couldn't resist. Please don't hit me.
  15. HAHAHAHAAHA Classic! IIRC - isn't your husband in the military deployed overseas? Whatever do you do when you lock your keys in your car several times a year? How do you even function at all? (Saith the smart arse. Sorry, but my sympathy factor in this case is like zero.)
  16. Well, don't go rubbing your arse on a tree. You'll get splinters. :reachingwaybackandcombiningcommentsfromrandomthreads:
  17. Is this true? I've never thought about it because I've always worked for employers who paid my salary while I was on jury duty. Are employers allowed to not pay their employees while on jury duty?
  18. Dude. That so reminds me of 1997. Not the bands, Music Midtown.
  19. This sounds completely skeery. I think it would make me RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY!!!
  20. Yeah, I keep telling myself that, too. But so far...nuttin'. :sigh:
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