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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I was gonna make a smart-arse complaint about your not having a chart from 2007 to go with your post, but it's kinda a serious topic, so I won't. Hard to think that wasn't even 100 years ago. DANG.
  2. Twins. My heart has been hurting for these folks all morning.
  3. HAHAHAHAA Dude! That would have really been bad! Thanks! You people are awesome. I knew somebody would know. PS - I did know about Kroger (and the associated drama threads...), even though I don't venture down there too much. Awww! Thankee for lookin' after me!
  4. I went to Hiram today for about the second time this year (don't get down there often...duh). What's going on with the closed BP there at the corner of 92 and 278? Did I miss a thread of somebody talking about it? Sorry if it's already been discussed...
  5. Pffffft. I get a good idea, but noooo. They have to go ruin it.
  6. What's playing at the Theater on the Square in Mayretta that week/weekend? Would they like something like that?
  7. FTR, I'm an evangelical Christian, and I see nothing wrong with civil unions. I think marriage, per se, should be up to each individual church as to how they want to handle (as they do already for heterosexual couples). Of course, I'm so libertarian, I don't really care if a guy wants to marry a goat (assuming the goat is of age and could give consent).
  8. Surely there is something! Off topic, but I'm so happy you found a home for the kitteh. You are so precious for taking it in like that. OK, back to the topic at hand...
  9. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA Edited to add: Poor NC.
  10. OH EM GEE!!! NOT THE CHART!!! ANYTHING BUT THE CHART!!! :runningscreamingintothenight:
  11. I got nuttin'. But if'n I had a beach house, I'd let you stay for free whenever you wanted.
  12. Yeah, that's my guess...either that, or really young ones whose colors haven't brightened yet. The females are gentler, and sometimes will let somebody else eat at the feeder with them.
  13. OK, spill the beans, sister...where you goin'?
  14. Oh, I love you for posting those pics! Thank you for sharing! Bless his tiny mean little heart!
  15. You got that right about the phones. I need a new one, but I am NOT paying that much for one. Verizon has taken to putting only the goofiest phones in their New Every Two program thingy, so the one I got pretty much stinks.
  16. Stay safe and keep us posted! Good to hear from you...
  17. Somebody gave you a neggie, but I counteracted it with a positive. Seems like a pretty common-sense post to me.
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