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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Two words: AWE SOME. Great work. Great work. Happy am I. PS - If I were the mother of the 21yo, I'd thump him on the head for that idiot grin. That would be the second thump, though. Oh, and I wouldn't be bailing his arse out, either. I'd let him sit there and stew about where he was gonna come up with $37,800.
  2. Oh, and if it were my kid, when she was found, more than a few people would be missing large portions of their arses.
  3. The world does not want both mei lan and Blondie unhappy. ESP. at the same time.
  4. Does Laura Leigh's farm do stuff like this, I wonder? 'Course, she prolly only has horses and not ponies, but you could ask...
  5. Well, crap! My riding mower is doing the same thing! I figured it was the starter as well. I have hooked it up to the battery charger and gotten it to work before when it pulled this crap. Have you tried that? (Assuming yours has a battry, that is...) I hate problems like this. Dang.
  6. Thread winner. (MrsB's is runner-up. Hot trash dudes...I can dig it. )
  7. Emerson on 41. Speed limit stays 55, but They Are Always There. Watching. Which I guess according to the OP's qualifications doesn't really meet the standards of a speed trap. Oh, well...
  8. Yeah, those losers rank right up there with the guy who left his kid alone in his foreclosed house with a note that said sorry I can't deal go stay with the neighbors, and oh yeah, your mom isn't dead after all. GAH!!!
  9. Oh, cool! I thought it was somebody copying your old name.
  10. Now I want to hit you. Can I TELL you how many hours I wasted trying to get my stupid set-up (like Shananigans') to work?!?!? And I'm computer-literate!!! :fallingoverinadeadfaint:
  11. I ab dying with by allergies. By node is cobpletely stobbed ub and by eyes look like I ab constantly crying. I WISH IT WOULD RAIN!!! It's so dry, and that's complicating all the regular allergens.
  12. I was late getting my trash to the street one day and made it just before they stopped at my driveway, so I did ask just that (because I did the same thing as FBBC). He said it doesn't matter because they can grab it from the front or the handles. GAH!!! All that time wasted wondering which way to do it! Don't they know we worry about these things?!?!?
  13. Beautiful!!! In some of the really high mountains in Colorado, the temp was 50 in the middle of the day. I 'bout froze! And they're getting more rain than we are. It was a nice trip, though...thanks for askin'!
  14. YES!!!!!!! I was gone for a week out west and I sure missed that chart!!! (Couldn't resist, TP. )
  15. 10-4. This is an area in which we definitely agree.
  16. Would be nice to have original linky, Il Postino. This link http://www.myfoxatlanta.com/dpp/news/iteam/i-team-state-ethics-commission-shake-up-20110617-es is from a Dale Russell report of June 17; it appears to contain most of the original post, but contains no mention of the LaBerge chick being named to head the Ethnics Commission. Here is a link to a story from tonight's front page at AJC, which is a longer, more detailed story about th Ethics Commission, but still no mention of LaBerge: http://www.ajc.com/news/probe-sought-deal-data-1149820.html FINALLY...here is the actua
  17. Hold the phone - this is the Green Home. The Dream Home (the big thing first shown on NY Day and given away in March or April) is in Park City, UT. Here is the linky (info on down in article): http://blog.hgtv.com/dreamhome/category/dream-home-2012/ I just got back from a trip to UT/CO and was in Park City. This will be a lovely site. Also, Serenbe makes more sense for the Green Home. Edited 'cause I can't half spell.
  18. Serenbe? Really? Hmmm. Sounds a little unimaginative to me. Just my li'l ol' opinion there. And you bet your sweet bippie if I won it, I'd be talking to a real estate agent the next day, pretty much no matter where it was, although I would pilfer the furniture first. (Although, can one pilfer one's own furniture? )
  19. http://paulding-neighbor.com/stories/Shearin-moved-on-after-eight-years-as-county-chairman,174022?content_source=&category_id=&search_filter=&event_mode=&event_ts_from=&list_type=&order_by=&order_sort=&content_class=&sub_type=stories&town_id=&page=
  20. This should be good for property values in N. Paulding. NE Paulding is very close to this.
  21. Holy crap. I got nuttin'. One of the few things the wannabe Queen of the Universe is plumb skeert of.
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