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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Going down on one knee and bowing one's head. Tim Tebow apparently does it after a touchdown or a good play or whatever, and people started calling it "tebowing" and being photographed in various places in the pose.
  2. You know, I hadn't thought of that until a previous poster mentioned it, but if I came upon a bus at that time, I would find it really odd as well. AJC said they're holding her without bond because they're worried about her state of mind. Said she sobbed throughout the entire hearing. Sad, all the way around.
  3. New information in today's AJC story - Brunn and his four brothers are foster children; they moved to Georgia from NY sometime in the not-too-distant past. http://www.ajc.com/news/ryan-brunns-trail-contains-1255081.html?cxtype=rss_news
  4. So THAT's what you were doing when you were asking about brooches awhile back. What a perfectly lovely idea!
  5. hahahahaahahaaaaaa Listen, about once a week I discover something like this that is common to everyone else that I didn't know. I'm always like, really? hahahahahaaa
  6. I believe she later corrected herself and said she thinks he's mulatto.
  7. I am going into hiding; I'll be back Monday. People be nuts, man!
  8. SERIOUSLY?!?!? That was precious, and looked great on you! You did awesome.
  9. At my father's funeral (he served in the Pacific), I asked one of his friends what branch of the service he was in, and he said Army. I asked him what he did, and he said off-handedly, "I was just with the 10th Mountain Division." So I looked them up when I got home, and OH. MY. GOSH...those guys went through the Italian Alps and incredibly rough terrain to free Italy, and did some MAGNIFICENT and BRUTAL fighting. Their task was amazing. But he was just in the 10th Mtn. Division. Meh. No biggie. But that generation honestly felt that way - serving the country and loving the country was
  10. Aren't you the one whose kid got a concussion playing in the back yard? I'd say but that's not really funny.
  11. Do you know that in my current company, I got in trouble like the first three months for taking ownership and doing things on my own initiative. To the point where I truly thought I was going to be fired. They made it abundantly clear they didn't want that sort of thing from me, so I retreated into my little office and tried not to make trouble. I still go above and beyond, but now I have the mindset of if they want an hourly worker, then that's what I'll give them.
  12. Since the younger siblings all have the same last name as he, it could be a situation where his mother died or they divorced and his father remarried and had a second family, with him being the outsider. I have seen that happen MANY times...the divorced parents each have "new" families, and the children of the original marriage are inconveniences. And ditto the adoption situation. Here's the quote from the AJC article: Tips from the public led investigators to Brunn, Keenan said. Calling the killing "planned and calculated," Keenan declined to discuss evidence leading to t
  13. OK, help a girl out. Homey is a FB refusenik, you know...
  14. Man, if they don't have an IRON-CLAD case, they'd best be gettin' their arses in gear. Arresting the wrong person is as bad as (or worse than, because then they're not looking for the real person) not arresting anybody.
  15. He was also awesome in many movies; my favorite of his is Support Your Local Sheriff with James Garner. One of the funniest movies ever, and a darn well-made western.
  16. Yeah, I'm gonna go with this one. I have a professional work ethic because both my parents drilled that into us when we were kids. You sign on for job, you do it 110%; if you don't like it, find something else, but don't be a slacker. I'm salaried and come in on the weekends sometimes to catch up on work that I've fallen behind on, and you wouldn't believe how many people think that's just the dumbest thing in the world since I'm "not getting paid for it". I clean up common areas of the office when others have left a mess, I help others out when my workload allows, etc. But MAN, so many p
  17. Surely to God they have an iron-clad case before making an arrest in this high-profile a case?!?!? If they don't, this is a MAJOR MAJOR screw-up. And if he's not the right guy, the real perp is still walking among society. Yeah, I'm with you...I wish they'd release SOMETHING tangible.
  18. We have seen this also at the company where I work.
  19. heh Wouldn't you think they'd have checked his alibi before arresting him?
  20. He'll get a real nice reception in the Big House with Bubba and all his friends get ahold of him. They don't cotton to child abusers. I recall a story a year or two ago of a dude who murdered a 9-year-old girl, and his fellow inmates tattooed her name on his forehead in reverse so he'd have to read it every time he looked in the mirror. He refused to tell who did it...heh.
  21. We understand, sweetie. Every time I pass that house, I think of you and feel sad.
  22. What a fantastic character actor with a career lasting several decades. A delightful man. RIP, sir.
  23. Er...what she said. (Thanks for saving me the trouble. )
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