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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Cade's Cove is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. Can't speak to the motorcycle part, but otherwise, it's just the most serene, lovely place EVER.
  2. Not just greed, although I'm sure that was part of it. But I think the biggest part of it was that Paterno was GOD and the football program was THE CHURCH. Sick, vile, disgusting.
  3. Oh, cool!!! It's a fer piece from up here in the NE Paulding sticks, but I might mosey down that way sometime when I'm in the mood for a drive. I always love hearing about great restaurants.
  4. Pure frickin' evil. I think what I found so galling about this whole thing (besides every single aspect of it) was that he never seemed to see or get that he did anything wrong. He was always cheerful and blithe. His wife was even more bothersome. How do women justify living with that sort of man year after year? What does that say about her? God help those children.
  5. mei lan


    I thought I sensed that the disturbance in the force was gone. Awesomeness!
  6. Hmmm...two posts in a row I like, TP. What is this world coming to? There's a lot more information on the rights of people to photograph police, etc., at Reason Magazine's web site. http://reason.com/search?cx=000107342346889757597%3Ascm_knrboh8&cof=FORID%3A11&ie=UTF-8&q=photograph+public&sa=Search NOTE: I am a rabid supporter of LEOs. I just also happen to be a rabid supporter of personal freedoms as accorded by the Constitution.
  7. Great article find, TP! I predict that young man will go far. Pure awesomeness.
  8. Not to mention some other factors. But dude, really? Insisting on common sense?
  9. Yeppers. In addition to the other things people mentioned, like working lunches, etc.
  10. Well, crapola. You were doin' so good there till you had to throw in the middle name. :addingcrabbydaddytoserialkillerslist: Come on, now, girl...you know there's several in the runnin' for that title.
  11. mei lan


    OH NOES!!!!!!! I'm steerin' clear of you today!!!
  12. You are my hero. I have been where that girl is, so I know the great good you did.
  13. So what are you doing with all those black garbage bags, then?
  14. I put in a good word for her. Us troublemakers hafta stick together...
  15. How so? I mean, I'm assuming JBS is ag'in' it...
  16. I've traced pain like this to my back pain (by monitoring what I do and how my back is feeling day to day). A certain way my back is stressed just KILLS my lower left leg into the ankle down the outside and continues inside to the arch area. GAH!!! Youth is indeed wasted on the young. I fart in their general direction.
  17. mei lan


  18. Oh, wait a minute. OP, were you referring to pcom popo or the real popo? I read it as the real popo, but if you were asking for help from pcom popo, then ignore my remark. Homey ain't gittin' involved in no pcom brouhaha if'n I kin hep it.
  19. Sowwy. But honestly, SEVERAL people have raved about the food there, and my sister who works in food service says she wouldn't have a problem with the 80 score. I don't have a particular problem with the 39 score ONLY because a) it was the first inspection, and 2) it was rapidly improved to 80. (Edited to add that sister has a problem with an 80 score, but it wouldn't necessarily make her not eat somewhere she really liked because of the way the upper points are counted off for minute infractions.) I am glad it's staying open. That spot has had massive turnover ever since that
  20. Crass, perhaps, but not offensive. One of those things where their protestations made them look sillier than her use of the word made her look.
  21. OK, didn't find the old thread, but I did find this. Apparently he decided to remain open and brought his score up to an 80. I have heard from several folks that the food is excellent. http://dallas-hiram.patch.com/articles/food-scores-bay-leaf-earns-80-on-recheck
  22. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA WAIT A MINUTE...isn't this the guy who got a 39 on his inspection report and said he was gonna close rather than do the necessary improvements and be inspected? :runningtocheckoldthreads:
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