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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I always wonder how these dudes do that. I mean, I get the exposure part, but how do they contort themselves to get up to window level? At any rate, I'm glad the popo were notified.
  2. Ditto to both. I'm a Type A, so I love me some self check-out.
  3. Cool. I'll ask around and see what I can find.
  4. Hmmmmm...so I have a weirdo Luddite twin, at least one crazy cousin, and possibly a second cousin (no word on crazy for that one).
  5. Twins don't have to be the same sex, goob.
  6. Oh, hell, no - they would rue the day they ever heard my name if they tried to pull this crap. Excellent of you to ask for advice, and sounds like some folks here have some good experience and advice. I can't imagine you folks who have to deal with these dilberts all the time. I'd be in jail, I swear I would.
  7. mei lan


    AGREED. Never EVER go to your home if you suspect you're being followed. If nothing else, if you just realized it after you were in your neighborhood/close to home, just pass right on by and circle around to where you could get back to a gas station or somewhere (and call 911 as soon as you realize you're being followed). Glad her husband was there waiting...
  8. I don't know, but I wish they'd come back. girly men who get manicures and carry man bags are poor substitutes. (I love that song.) And yes, the Bering Sea is one place girly men would not survive.
  9. Utterly sickening. A similar situation happened recently in Canada. :cray:
  10. That was my thought as well. Also - I get he was at the property line, but how far off the road was he? 150'/50 yds. is about 50 paces (by a man). Not real far. Which means (according to my reading of the law) if he was shooting into the air and was 150' off the road, it wasn't illegal. Not saying I wouldn't be upset if there were kids nearby...just reading the law and trying to discern what the situation is.
  11. It is indeed legal in the county, subject to the code momof3 posted about being at least 150'/50 yds. from the road/street and having a proper backstop. I live in a subdivision where most of the lots are 500' deep or longer. We have lots of target practice going on in the neighborhood.
  12. I've also heard of bombmakers putting nails and razor blades, along with rat poison, which is an anticoagulant. Disgusting. So, so true. I'm surprised more so-called soft targets like this haven't been tried. I do expect more.
  13. Yes, I meant to add that. There is simply no substitute (to me) for clothes being IN THE WATER and swished around.
  14. I am still recovering from the effects of severe sleep deprivation during the last three years of my father's life due to his illness. He's been gone five years...I am living proof that sleep deprivation does a number on a body.
  15. Yeah, the old-timers would say wait another week or two...some say first of May as a general rule. Too iffy before then. I hate wasted work.
  16. Another reason you're one of my favorite people! I could not agree with your outlook more! I'm so glad y'all told about these Speed queen things. My washer is fine now, but it won't last forever, and I was NOT looking forward to one of those HE things. Woo hoo! I have a solution! Good to know also!
  17. Here's the links about their accessing e-mail without a warrant after it's been on the ISP server after six months (note that the complaint was brought by the ACLU): http://www.aclu.org/blog/technology-and-liberty-national-security/new-documents-suggest-irs-reads-emails-without-warrant http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/04/14/IRS-Denies-Email-Snooping-Allegations And just think - this marvelous Leviathan is going to be the enforcer for ObamaCare! Wee hoo!
  18. I hate McAfee. I deleted it from all my computers. For the longest time, I used AVG Free, but it hogged resources like nobody's business. I deleted it, and am now using Microsoft Security Essentials (also free) and computer is running much better. I switched to Comodo Firewall (free) as well.
  19. OK, now it's just getting boring. (But I'll take it.)
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