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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. a) Something pretty much always smells fishy in the county government, IMHO. 2) If the Dept. of Health folks in Rome have the final decision, I'm guessing getting all hot-and-bothered with county leaders wouldn't do much good. Although I'm sure they could register their opinions with the Dept. of Health.
  2. Nina, I never saw that commercial! How utterly beautiful. They do good commercials.
  3. Welcome! This topic was visited awhile back, IIRC. I don't have time to look it up, but didn't somebody say the Tara Drummond park has dog park stuff? Maybe Barbed Wire will chime in.
  4. GAH!!! I should think that sucker would burn for awhile if it ever got going good. Thanks for sharing.
  5. Wow...Feelip and Pubby going the extra mile. :wub:
  6. I love that store, but haven't been in there in awhile. I'll be checking that out. Thanks! Low, I remember when that happened. :wub:
  7. Oh, yeah - go make the rest of us look like goobs for not welcoming him earlier, you punk. Welcome, Joey!
  8. I'm a right-brained girl, but I'm also stradial's twin, so OF COURSE I LOVE THEM!!! They were AWESOME. I have some of them on DVD...I wanna get the whole collection. I like both Curly and Shemp, for different reasons. They also had some good social commentary for the time (on things like Hitler, etc.). Disorder in the Court is one of the greatest comedy pieces of all time. If you can watch that without laughing, I'm telling you - you need some serious counseling. I'm ashamed to admit that I even saw that movie. Just thinking about it causes brain cells to die in my head
  9. Agreed. My dad was a man's man - veteran, a farmer, didn't suffer fools lightly...but he would love our our tiny kitteh and put down food for her during dinner (which we would have gotten in trouble doing when we were kids). There's just something about animals that reaches past our defenses...
  10. TSG - that feeder looks really cool! Imma see if I can find one. We also put feeders out of sight of the other.
  11. Yeah, I'm going with sour grapes. I believe she had word from meteorologists that this would be an excellent time to attempt the swim, but I don't see how she could have cheated with so many witnesses. Also, they're talking about "English Channel" rules - 110 miles from Cuba to Key West is way different from 22 miles Calais to Dover. I read an article that said a mariner in Australia who knows about these things did a study of the current charts, etc., of the time she swam, and he said it was entirely possible that she swam it without cheating. He didn't have a dog in the fight, so I th
  12. I don't necessarily disagree with this, but at the same time, the horrors of 9/11 are so seared into our psyche that it seems empty to not acknowledge the loss of that day.
  13. Well, good luck. It really is a cute pattern.
  14. Oh, dear. My sister is the same way. I thought she was gonna expire from having her wisdom teeth out. You'd think she was aiming for the Guinness Book of World Records for being miserable. And she didn't even have any complications like I did, and I did fine!
  15. Could they even do that? What would they do - arrest every motorcyclist in town even if not with the group? Or arrest every motorcyclist on that road. Or pull over all they could nad give them a ticket? Yeah, that's gonna work...
  16. I should think any number of folks here could make it, but I also think it would be cost prohibitive. Yarn for one, but time spent another. I'm pretty sure if I charged my SIL for the cost of the afghan I'm making for her birthday, it'd cost her $200 at least. I'm a fast crocheter, but even so... I counted 27 motifs in that curtain panel. Say an hour per motif (esp. if changing colors as much as shown), that's 27 hours. Plus yarn, plus the time spent joining together, which would prolly run anothr 2-4 hours. Even if you cut my time estimate in half, that's still a lot of time. Crochet
  17. GAH! I hope you don't think I posted that because I thought something about him...I didn't know that about him, but it matters not to moi. I've just read articles about true sociopaths who are serving life-without-parole sentences who first experienced any sort of mercy and tenderness after working with animals in grooming programs, etc. It's really quite sad because as they begin to experience some sort of empathy for the first time, they get a glimpse of how their lives could have been different. One of the persons dearest to my heart in the universe served time in prison. He is a st
  18. Squeeeeeeeeeee!!! Look at those baby eyes. Yeah, he be bad. (Love the fishing hook.) I generally agree, but I've seen the stories about vicious prison inmates who go to mush over animals they care for. I've also heard Hitler loved animals and children, although there appears to be some debate over that. At any rate, perhaps it shows that no person is all evil or all good.
  19. Works pretty well. Like I said, it'll get gummy as the warm weather progresses, but I'd rather deal with that than ants. It worked better than the moat thing for me. Sure thing!
  20. In hot weather, I change it about once a week. In cooler weather, I should think you could let it go twice as long, at least. Other birds don't eat from it (other than the occasional wasp), primarily because the feeder holes are tiny like the little beasts' beaks. I use 1:4 - 1 part sugar to 4 parts water. You don't have to put food coloring in it; they will be attracted by the red of hte feeder. If you have butterfly bushes nearby, they like those, too. If I make extra, I refrigerate that. In spring, I make sure we have feeders out by April 1, although you can look at the link be
  21. On the feeder that I have like low's in the video, I spray the hanger thing that's attached to the wall, the wire from it to the feeder, and the top of the feeder. You can experiment and see what works for you. Some people put some sort of moat around hte top of the feeders so the ants have to travel through water, but I've never figured that one out.
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