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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I didn't realize it was done last November. Ye gods. That just adds insult to injury. I'd be ashamed, I really would.
  2. Well, that was a video. While I do not doubt the veracity of domestic issues in the lives of servicemen (and women) arriving home from foreign assignments, I do not conclude that this is the cause of most suicides. I could just as easily produce some dramatic video and claim most suicides are caused by PTSD. Correlation does not equal causation. I will NEVER understand a woman trying to keep her children's father from being involved in their lives (absent some prevailing reason like addiction or abuse). However, several points about situations like hte one presented in the video:
  3. Spoon. I could tear meet with my teeth, but ain't much of a way to eat soup with a fork or knife.
  4. Wow. I know a number of folks here have been through the same, including me. Please know that I will keep you in my prayers.
  5. Somehow I'm not completelhy convinced by Mr. Austin's protestations.
  6. You couldn't just let us be all happy with our imaginations, could you? You are such a killjoy, Pubster.
  7. I won't, but I'm sure interesting things will abound. If you go, let me know what you think.
  8. I'm guessin' somebody whose brother-in-law owned the land where it's built. Follow the money.
  9. This is one reason I don't get ANY of my news from television. Every network (including Fox) is all about ratings, sensationalism, etc. I choose to read the original material and decide for myself. The two news networks I will watch briefly from time to time are Fox Business Channel and CNBC.
  10. Who knows. Same reason some dilbert thought they should put up signs saying something about O.C.G.A. whatever 25' buffer near every lake, river, creek, drainage ditch, and mud puddle. Politicians ain't never seen money they didn't want to spend.
  11. This is correct. Private hospitals can turn patients away for lack of insurance (although they most likely wouldn't in an emergency), but hospitals designated for care of indigents cannot (think Grady).
  12. Almost all ATVs and all underage drivers (as in, under 16) are illegal on the roadways. What would licensing/tagging help with this? (I'm not being smart-alecky...it's a genuine question.)
  13. DogGONE you! Ditto. I love most of Texas, but I really love San Antonio.
  14. I second that. Congratulations, DR, and thanks for your family's service to our country.
  15. Oh, you silly, silly people. When did that ever stop them? You act like they work for you or something. Pfft.
  16. Quite fitting as well, since our father's name is Yang Yang. (He is hilarious, too. He LOVES tobasco sauce and goes nuts when the keepers give him some, and he is very adept at tricking new or substitute keepers, too, into giving him food he's not supposed to have, etc.) Good call for kitlet! If you'd said Wayne and Garth, I could go with it. Schwing!
  17. I'm serious. That is just about stupid. I figured this was about one of those old areas near the Square. But NOOO...it's some subdivision off Wade Green Road. Seriously, folks??? Who ratted on these folks for starters, and then, the house sits EMPTY for two years, somebody buys it, keeps it up well, and you wanna make a stink? Also - no Fraternity Row worth its drunken party reputation would be caught dead in a silly subdivision miles from campus. STUPID.
  18. Exactamundo, missy. Ye gods - that was just PAINFUL to watch last night. Med didn't stink it up as badly as poor Burnett did for the Pirates yesterday (7 runs and 11 batters in one inning), but DANG. Throwing errors, running errors, bad pitching, no hitting. And that's even without Uggla on the roster. :sigh:
  19. I've never even heard of it. I had to look it up. I've not been inside it, but I realize now that I've been past it a thousand times. It's well-shielded by trees, and is well-kept. Between the Post Office and the bank? Or maybe the bank is behind it. I can't remember. I had no idea it was a formal park.
  20. Excellent! I am very pleased the hours are reverting to normal. We loves us some liberries.
  21. IDK, but if they don't start hitting, they're gonna go down in flames. I couldn't BELIEVE Uggla was left off the playoff roster. I was actually proud of Fredi for doing that. Maybe Uggla will work on his game. Otherwise, he'll be making $13M for sitting on the bench. :sigh:
  22. Woo hoo!!! Be interesting to see how their being twins affects the naming.
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