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Everything posted by EagleWings

  1. With all the recent snow storms and cold temperatures, the "Global Warming" wackos are changing the name of the movement to Climate Change. They insist it has always been a part of the old "Global Warming" conditions but now they think the image is more important than the facts. So listen to the new public relations saying of "Global Warming" to be called "Climate Change". Don't change the false data and propaganda put out there but lets just change the name. We'll see how this one works for them.
  2. Tell your nephew, Blazing Saddles said thanks for his service. We are proud of him and stay safe. Many are praying to the Lord for his comfort and saftey.
  3. I am not sure about the exact "law" punishment, but in our house, my son found out what exact dad "law" punishment it was. 3 weeks grounded for the first time and the second time results in a 6 month suspension from his truck. I reminded him that my law is the law until he can support himself.
  4. I pray that the few who watch this will see how the loss of individualism means the loss of hope. Our individual freedoms are what make this country great. Whether Dems or Repubs or Indeps, we must all protect our individual rights to the death. It is the foundation of this country and should be cherished above anything else. Our country will not survive if our individual rights are denied.
  5. Careful about posting that, some hothead will come in here and bash you for it. BTW, I laughed my head off.
  6. Careful where you throw those facts around..........You might get a hate filled response.
  7. Algore decided long ago that there wasn't any money in "Global Cooling", which in fact, could include global warming occasionally, which could also include times of global cooling. See all the averages we take, no doubt, lead one to believe that this earth is cooling when it is actually warming, and raining, and sometimes cooling, which is, of course, part of "Global Warming" due to all the polar caps disappearing which isn't resulting into rising ocean levels because of the massive sun spots that have increased over the last 20 years because of cattle production of methane that will always l
  8. Before WT/TP starts to criticize your spelling, change Minnesota. Now for my other thoughts, screw Algore. I love when he is made to look like the fool he is. Everything about "GLOBAL warming" is another chip of his block head. Stupid gore and your money hungry, lying and cheating followers too.
  9. She had a meeting at the White House. Obama needed her to represent small businesses and the need for gov't healthcare.
  10. How the heck cares WHERE it happened pubby. Sign of the times. I wonder if any of the passengers should sue the company for mental distress. How did the passengers know this "driver" wasn't saying his last prayers before blowing up the bus? It is ashamed they can't fire folks like this.
  11. You mean the nascar driver that has won 4 straight championships.................He can whine all he wants.
  12. Katrina was a storm. The damage came from man thinking he could hold back the Mississippi. Anyway, similiar to what JR was preaching about, how much airtime will Katrina continue to get? Why doens't Miami or Tampa get a "crutch" for Andrew? Move on and let the Saints talent be the number one reason to shine. Oh, btw, go Colts.
  13. Don't feel bad, it was a week or two ago that I was waiting on a response from a "hateful" poster and the whole thread went poof. Hope you have a better outcome. Madea--Can it be written this way? A majority of tax payers voted for the school bond. I voted NO twice and I'm a tax payer.
  14. I am not in this discussion like the rest, but I was going to post the exact same thing. Thanks Whitey. I was very disappointed that the second time around was politically planned and many SCARE tactics were used to influence a few more voters. I voted it down twice and would do it again. Monies can ALWAYS be found if it is truly needed. I was always told it is easier to spend someone else's money than your own. That is what leads to irresponsible spending.
  15. I found some glamour shots for all to enjoy................
  16. Only if NE posted a picture of himself...................
  17. Are you referring to the Title I funds from the feds? I was reading about that. Also, I would love to look on our county website but guess what? It isn't coming up. How convenient. It doesnt' seem to working this morning. I will say again, this WHOLE redistricting thing is about PCHS AYP status. The group presenting the redistricting didn't even consider another option. They are hellbent on their proposal and that is what they are going to vote on.
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