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Everything posted by EagleWings

  1. It was 'staged' but reinacted from the eyewitnesses to present a heroic thing. I'm still good with it.
  2. I never thought I would read a topic with such a title..............
  3. Wind doesn't affect temperature. 32 degrees is 32 degrees whether there is no wind or 100 mph wind.
  4. To be honest, I didnt read past the data chart. I did read the criteria before and right after but didn't realize it was setting up the "second coming". For this, I wouldn't have used the source but I did go to the USGS site and started reading the data too. I'll keep reading and update if necessary.
  5. Does that make the data wrong? Sources are listed?
  6. That's what made it great ? Tony the Tiger had a better reason than that.
  7. That's what the word "promote" means in the constitution. Get with the program. If I'm wrong, you know who will fix it.
  8. Don't go into the marsh.............stay away.............don't go into the marsh..............
  9. She has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars of our tax dollars flying her grand daughters around. That is HER responsibility. I don't care if money is allocated for families, you can always do the right thing and say NO. I can't stand that arrogant piece of crap.
  10. Yep. As long as the gov't continues to fund stupidity, why change? Taxpayers are paying twice. Once for a stamp and once for the subsidies.
  11. I think the wording wasn't clear enough. If the line starts after the pres then she is second in line but if the pres is included then she is third in line. Both were right from the way they were viewing it.
  12. It also lists the ones who have served. My father is listed.
  13. Not a bad idea. Technology is moving faster than the USPS and they can't adapt. Just a sign of the progessing times.
  14. Barney Frank may be a better candidate for the blow part.
  15. This might help When it comes to detection rates for major earthquakes over 100 years ago, it is worth noting that our ability to record all earthquakes of 7.0 or above occurring across the planet prior to 1901 is uncertain, and so there is likely to be some incomplete data in the 19th century, because of this. It was only in 1897 that a global network of seismographs was deployed. The numbers shown for the period from 1863 to 1900 may therefore be lower than actual, although it is unlikely to be more than three or four times that shown. (records for major 'quakes were fairly good from
  16. And not in that particular order either, right?
  17. Just another bloated top heavy business that is feeling the pinch. I'm sure more subsidies are in order.
  18. Don't worry, Obama will save us. He's gonna pay our mortgages too.
  19. thanks for trying dapandlap. It doesn't do any good. They won't see it. Move on to more intelligent people. **Oh, for all you Bush haters, Personally, I hated the no child left behind act imposed on our schools. I am not a true desciple of Bush either, but I know who is more to blame for the economy debacle...............................Read Below, let it sink in, and move on.
  20. Not necessarily 2012 but more like The book of Revelation.
  21. That happend to us last storm. I got a hose and squirted water on it to remove the snow. It worked great and I didn't have to get on the roof.
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