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Everything posted by EagleWings

  1. Boy, they are really on top of things over there at channel 11. I guess that is one way to "predict" the weather. Wait til it happens and then report what is going on. 100% accuracy there.
  2. Ask Algore what we are supposed to do. I'm sure he and Danny Glover can come up with a man made reason.
  3. It is starting to stick at our house too.
  4. This chick is hot......................
  5. From what I read, Bald Eagles feed mainly on fish. The bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) is a member of the sea and fish eagle group. Its closest relatives, similar in appearance and habit, are found in Africa and Asia. Even though they are fish eaters, they will take ducks and birds or whatever prey is available and easiest to obtain. Bald eagles which live along the coast and on major lakes and rivers feed mainly on fish. Bald eagles fish in both fresh and salt water. Eagles sit at the top of the food chain, making them more vulnerable to toxic chemicals in the environment, sin
  6. That is the most stupid thing I've ever heard. Where is your brain? It should be $200.00, you can't win playing $100.00
  7. That's my point. The universities can be cutting programs and some of the high priced professors who don't do much. My tax dollars are bleeding me dry so if we take a temporary hit in higher education, then so be it. Keep cutting expenses like we have to in our own homes. There's no bailout for us to continue spending. Suck it up.
  8. Leave it be. Grilled thrasher doesn't taste that good.
  9. What planet are you from? There is no common ground in healthcare. A general statement of "we need to overhaul healthcare" is not common ground.
  10. I'm still wondering why they call them "Killer" whales? They're WILD animals for crying out loud.
  11. The more I think about it, I remembered her having the 6.
  12. Even more, huh? not pretty. She is still sickening.
  13. There's two things I would never watch. The View and that psycho who now cares for 8 kids. I see welfare soon if not now.
  14. Aparently, you haven't seen some of the other threads lately. To some on here, you can't even use adjectives to decribe people. I know what your thinking, "Then how do you describe a person?". It is ridiculous. Quite frankly, I don't give a rats but about PC. I teach my kids to be respectful independent thinkers and to strive after things in life that won't put them into situations where PC runs rampant. Restricting free speech is not my cup of tea.
  15. I gave her a homework assignment about forgiveness. She will do her best to get her work done and have a detailed report ready to turn in by Friday.
  16. I am not saying what you concluded earlier is right or in the scriptures, but you clearly need to do your homework and research on what true forgiveness is all about. Now you've wasted your time arguing with 50 people on here tonight and now you won't get any homework done. Get a good night's sleep and wake up to tackle your project. Good night.
  17. That is for you to research. It is just like using a dictionary to learn the spelling of a word. Just sound it out and keep looking. We're all rooting you on. Now get busy.
  18. Forgiveness and forgeting are two totally different things. That can be your homework for the next time we meet for class. Don't show up and say "the dog ate it". Enjoy your research.
  19. Denial is not a river in Egypt. (here is the right way to post an emoticon) You're welcome.
  20. Should of had you on the investigation panel. Please speak up next time.
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