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Everything posted by EagleWings

  1. Looks like two republicans or conservatives if you ask me.
  2. So, is the alternative to send the kids to school?
  3. It was more of an inside joke to start off with.......
  4. Just heard...........Nothing tomorrow.
  5. I've seen part of The Jackal, but not the other one. Just curious.
  6. can you spell possum with a zero? 0possum. I guess you can.
  7. Are there any similiarities between the two movies?
  8. Where's the O woman? Don't be dissing the North American marsupials.
  9. Do those Global Warming Theorists not see they are just as "extreme" on their views as they are accusing us as being? There is more of a reason to think Algore is an idiot along with his hocus pocus "we've gotta surpress the truth" evidence on GW than the other way around. You all keep up the elitist attitude and keep reaching for the stars. Oh, btw, Mars is heating up too. I just pray Algore makes a trip there soon and something goes wrong. Darn Martians.
  10. I love when these threads hang on in the Cafe.
  11. Unlike her coming in with guns a blazin'. Man, such hatred built up inside too. I guess others are always having to walk on egg shells around her. I, for one, am staying away.
  12. Will do, and have a wonderful birthday tommorow. Be careful going to the mountains, driving might be a little dangerous but I sure the scenery will be just gorgeous.
  13. I went yesterday. Parking was easy. Turned down West Ave and then left into the complex. Stayed straight until the first part of the building was on my right. Many spaces along the entry road were available and I parked on the right side of the road. Easy access to the building and up to the third floor I went. Tag office is on the left after exiting the elevator. There were 10 people ahead of me but the line moved pretty good. Total time for getting the tag: 15 minutes. Of course, my wonderful wife had EVERYTHING I needed. Go unprepared, expect a longer time. Be prepared, and expec
  14. Just wanted them to know that I by no means agreed with the poster saying or putting their comments where they did. I just laughed at the ridiculous nature of the statement with a smart @ss comment. I'll take my lumps but I want to make clear nothing about my comment was directed toward Hardy. If it was taken that way, I want them to accept my apologies.
  15. Yesterday, I was scrolling through the topics and came across a thread posted in the Cafe by Hardy Chevy. They were promoting a couple of vehicles giving various tidbits of info. About 4 posts into the thread, an aparent disgruntled "customer" inserted a horrible comment stating their opinion about the dealership. There was no doubt that a bullet was going their way. I highlighted the insult and made a comment that was not directed at the dealership but the poster's wrong use of the topic. Either way, I was repremanded. From me to Hardy's: You have built a model business over the y
  16. If not, it's gotta be close.
  17. It's so cold, even my ex's heart feels warm.
  18. So parents can scar their children mentally and emotionally for life but they can't put a tattoo on them? I am against both but the cry against the tats seem to garner more attention. Hmmmmmmm............
  19. Making a note to self..................... New child custody papers must include "no tat" paragraph. Ok, got my new years info for the day.
  20. I guess personal attacks are allowed again.
  21. We have a TempurPedic and love it. Can't sleep on anything else. They've spoiled me.
  22. It sleeted on me all the way back from Atlanta. And it is 48 degrees!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess the upper atmosphere is really cold.
  23. You know how some folks are, there is nothing worthy of investigations, no matter how bad.
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