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Everything posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. The kiddos screamed for tacos, sooooo tacos it is Other Half and Mini-Me are having regular tacos and nachos. Mini'er-Me and I are having bean enchiladas and vegetarian friendly nachos (with black beans and jalapenos!). This is one of my favorite meals that we can all eat.
  2. I'll weigh in here, because I have a kiddo with high-functioning autism and (formerly) a speech delay. She was diagnosed with sensory processing disorder when she was 18 months and speech delay when she was 2...ish? However, she was way, way obvious. I'm sure you remember the stories. Fastforward to the Mini-Er me, and he's been tested as well. Like MrsB's little one (and yours, it seems), he's hit all the marks right on the spot, except speech. He's a little behind, and was 1% off from landing himself in speech therapy. I would have been okay with speech therapy - I'd rather him have it
  3. This is me! I read a very deep, complex book or two a week for school, and then come to school and have to lead discussions about the material. When I read for pleasure (which I do nightly), I want to read something specific and I don't want to discuss it - unless it's a philosophy or religion book, and then I discuss it with a colleague or professor in depth (which happens a lot here lately). But unless Phenomenology of the Consciousness of Internal Time or Aurobindo's The Life Divine make it on a book club list, chances are I just don't have time for it. The last time I picked up a fi
  4. Good Lord. As soon as I opened p.com and saw I had thirty comments, I knew DGITW had to have responded. Lady, you don't know a thing about me. You might have via our one in-person interaction, a few rumors, and whatever you picked up from a Facebook friendship that ended two years ago...but that's about it. As I said before, I have two jobs. No, I won't get rid of 'blogging'....I get paid to blog. I also run a blogging network. On top of the blog, I have a business - an increasingly successful business, that I started and run by myself. If you want to call me a 'dreamer', that's f
  5. You know....my best friend is an absolute Reddit geek. They even have a monthly hang-out for the metro-area. I will absolutely see what he thinks. Thank SO much!
  6. I'm gonna show up at your house with a Mini-Me built stand and a Mini'Er-Me painted 'Lemon-aide' sign, you know this...right? I you.
  7. That's a really, really good idea! Thank you! I'm debating hitting up the Peace and Justice Coalition. Once I'm done with the program, I will be certified through the NAPF to give lectures, seminars, and workshops on the subject, so I'm wondering if I could trade lecture/training post-trip with donations to the trip? That's part of what I've worked out with the school. A bit of funding in exchange for a seminar when I return. One of my professors donated in lieu of me teaching/speaking on the subject to his classes next semester (the classes that propelled me into this field, actually).
  8. I have two of those, actually. And, I'm in school full time. And I lead three organizations on campus. And I'm raising two kids (plus two step-kids). The jobs are how I paid my deposit. This was sprung on me and just doesn't fit into my budget after monthly bills, kid expenses, and tuition/books. I'm not raising all of the funds - I'm putting in what I can, cutting costs where I can and (as I said in the original post), selling things where I can. But, my professors and adviser highly recommend that I not let funds stop me. It's a huge opportunity.
  9. I have an incredible opportunity coming up this summer - I am one of twenty-five people, worldwide, who was accepted into a week-long peace leadership conference/training. One of my biggest heroes is leading the entire conference, and one of the things he's teaching is public speaking....something which I am terrified of and need to get over. Those of you on my Facebook are probably sick of hearing about it, so I'll leave it at that. Problem is, the event itself is about $1200 (just for room/board in Cali for a week, as the event itself is free), plus transportation. I paid the depos
  10. I've yet to step foot into a Trader Joes. We need one out here! I'll have to plan a trip to check.
  11. Thanks! I normally shop at the Ingles in Dallas and the Kroger at 278/61. Most of what I found is instant, pre-made type stuff and I try to avoid preservatives and additives. I haven't. I keep swearing I'm going to make a trip out there but, everyday, I seem to have a meeting, lecture, or event...and I just want to get home afterward. This week is fairly open, though, so maybe I'll make it. over there.
  12. I keep forgetting to stop in. Last night I remembered, but I was there with a group of colleagues/friends for a 7pm dinner and we didn't leave until 10:30...so the grocer was closed. /sigh. thank you!
  13. Stateside, Oregon, without a doubt. I have numerous friends there in farming communes that are beautiful, organic, eco-friendly, and basically big, giant families. In the 5 years I've known them, the only thing they've fought about is dishes. Lots of fights about dishes. Out of the country? No idea. I'd like to think India, but I think if I had the option to leave the country I wouldn't want to settle down. Somewhere much less developed than America, that's for sure.
  14. I am in the midst of (yet another) torrid love affair with Indian food. It's tasty, and vegetarian friendly. I've had a lot of meetings and lectures in Kennesaw in the evenings here lately, and we generally go to Taj Mahal (a family owned business with delicious food) afterward, but I want to make this stuff at home instead of driving to Kennesaw when I'm craving it. Any idea? Kroger just isn't cutting it for me and we're lacking in the grocery department around here. I know there's one off of Barrett, but I try to avoid Barrett at all costs.
  15. >guilty< I don't get yelled at for calling her a whore - just a bitch. Bitch is a no-no, apparently, and she got me shot for it. Which, I think, makes her a bitch. But, what do I know?
  16. Thank you! .....but Hawaii is us. There are 1.3 million Hawaiian citizens (several of whom are close friends of mine) vs the less-than-3K that were murdered on 9/11. I don't think 'it's okay, they can only hit Hawaii' is okay at all.
  17. My issue with it (and all four letter words) is that there are about 5 million other, more intelligent sounding ways she could have expressed the same thing. So, when she tries to pop off with something of the sort (though, 'sucks' is officially out of her vocabulary), we play a game to see how else she could say it and who can come up with the best sounding re-worded phrase. But...looky my signatures. I'm trying to raise an adult, though I wonder sometimes how well I am doing. When she's 18 and dealing with things in the real world, I hope she can come up with something better than 'Thi
  18. Mine popped off with it once, about two years ago. I doubt she'll ever use it again. Ironically, she says 'Dammit' from time to time and I've never done much more than give her the mommy side-glare. She always does it at times I would have said it as well, like...when her brother bites her, or when she drops a stack of books on her foot, etc. And she always looks panicked once she's said it.
  19. Mini-Me asked to be there when Mini'er-Me was born and the family flipped out about it. She was six, at the time. I ignored the family and did it anyway. Almost two years later, she still mentions at least once or twice a week how much she loved being there. Then again, if you ask her, he's her baby, not mine, because she asked God for him. They are absolutely inseparable. Just tonight, they fell asleep under the Christmas tree together. The actual childbirth part seemed to be fairly easy for her, but she knew what to expect because we watched a few videos and read a couple of books ahead
  20. Same here. I'm only 27, but I've never seen such hostility and division between our citizens before. It's disheartening, and scary. My grandmother, who is way older than 27, said the same thing. I think the division is just bringing more extremist views in hopes to reign in the 'chaos' of the opposing extremist views, and it's making the mess much worse. And the extremist views on either side are what scares both the opposite side and the middle so much. Doesn't matter who you're for or against, or who won or didn't win - a single man isn't going to bring down an entire nation. A
  21. I'm okay with the legalization, but I'm also not against drug dealers being lined up against a wall and shot. Drug dealers in today's world. Hopefully, we'll see an entirely new 'kind' of drug dealers (apparently, mandated by the government?). I think we lost the 'war' on drugs a long, long time ago. I'm pro-legalization for one reason: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. The War on Drugs obviously isn't working, and hasn't been in over a decade. It's about time we try something new. I'm hopeful that legalization will help, but I'm not counting
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