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Everything posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. I've always thought the same thing. ETA: As far as I know, I don't have one.
  2. This semester might kill me. I'm up for 6 classes, and one alone has the following reading: Sundiata, RigVeda, Upanishads, Buddhakarita, Ramayana, Laws of Manu, Tao Te Ching, Dao of Pooh (*giggle*), Analects, Han Feizi, The Bible, Haggadah, Muslim Jesus, and the Qur'ran. Other than this class, one has four books, one is a new foreign language (gods, help me), and the other three haven't posted their syllabus yet but will likely have 3-4 books each. I can do this - I know I'm perfectly capable. However, time management and study tips would be greatly appreciated. What system do/did you
  3. Aww! When I was young, I wound up calling my sister 'Izzy' instead of 'Sissy'...which is odd considering I was nearly five when she was born. At any rate, it stuck to the point that both of her nieces and her nephew now call her 'Aunt Izzy'. She gets upset when family calls her 'Aunt Aileen'. lol.
  4. LPPT's thread made me think of all the hilarious things Mini-Me has mispronounced over the years. Being a child with a speech delay, there were more than a handful and we generally made light of it in our house to the point that even she giggles when she realizes she says something off the wall. For several years, her T's were F's, like 'Free' instead of 'Tree'. This made a Firetruck a Fire...yeah. That one will probably always be my favorite. Around 2, chocolate was 'suck-it'. Awesome until she's in Wal-Mart saying 'Suck-it, mama, suck-it!'. Since Dora's episode of about the chocol
  5. Lots of water and put your feet up often. When you're sitting, make sure you're leaning back on a fluffy pillow. I didn't swell until 7 months with Mini-Me, but my feet were swelling by 3 months with the littlest. An awesome friend bought me moccasins, and those things were my saving grace throughout my pregnancy with him because, no matter what size my feet were that day, they fit comfortably. Has the doc made you drink that horrid sugar drink yet?
  6. Oh, all she technically said, quietly, was 'On the height/weight charts she's still above average for height, but I wanted to let you know that she's tipped over into the 'overweight' category, so we need to keep an eye on that' and gave me the diabetes reminder. That was enough for Mini-Me. Unless she's absolutely starving, which only happens when she skips her meds and gets a migraine, getting food into this child is like trying to get a jacket on my Chi.
  7. If she's still going by the advice of lawyers/public relations-type people, or whomever has her in hiding, chances are she was specifically told not to mention her daughter. 99% of America thinks she did it, and bringing up how much she 'misses' her would add more fuel to the fire than her not mentioning it at all. I mean, think about it...what would you think if you saw a video where she speaks of missing the daughter you're convinced she murdered?
  8. Not always. At the high school I went to in Cobb, we had the 'real food' line (always very, very short), the salad/potato line (a little longer), and the fries line, which wrapped around the lunchroom. For $1, you get a whole basket of the most awesome, salty fries on the planet. Then you can go to the middle of the lunchroom to an awesome little island that had any topping you could want from ketchup to ranch dressing and honey mustard (everybody used honey mustard. lol). For an extra $1, you could get a Wendy's-style frosty. I'd love to see the statistics for the children in Georg
  9. Typically, that's the way it works. If I can't get my kid to go to school, I go to jail and the gooberment takes my kid. If I can't get my kid to eat and she becomes emaciated enough to garner concern, the gooberment takes my kid. If I'm too stupid to bathe/properly dress my kid, the gooberment takes my kid. I'm not really sure where/why this is any different, except that if I'm too stupid to feed my kid proper foods and they go into adulthood already obese I'm setting them up for a lifetime of health issues and bad habits, whereas if I don't bathe or dress them, they can eventually
  10. You are my newest hero!!!! That's Dd's favorite cold breakfast. I just drink it straight from a cup.
  11. Being a former government worker, I feel you on this. Being in the field in which I worked, I was not only repeatedly 'kicked in the teeth by the public', but I also had to sit back and watch politics see-saw on policies and procedures, causing further ruckus and mayhem with the public. Being stuck in the middle, to put it simply, sucked. Then they froze pay-rates (they had been frozen for 4 years for my department by the time I left, and the freeze hasn't been lifted in the near two years since), then furloughed, then started cutting departments by the half-dozen. I visit my former pla
  12. My dad has been CCPD all but the first two years of my life. While I doubt he'll leave (retirement is just a stone's throw away), he's miserable. I personally know one experienced, talented officer who was with the county for over 20 year and now works at a local retail/farm supply store. I've never seen him smile this much.
  13. A friend of mine moved to Washington (the state), and their public schools have a vegan option every day all the way down to elementary school. While I think that's awesome, I'd never expect such in the south. If I didn't want Mini-Me to not go to a school that didn't serve food I approve of, she'd be home schooled. School lunches are an option - that's why we send lunch money.
  14. I now send Mini-Me's because I can pack more calories in less food without her noticing.
  15. I concur. I do believe that there are increasing numbers of actual obese children in Georgia, but I think that the 'number' they use for many of these media reports comes from a flawed system. At her 6 year old check-up, Mini-Me was deemed 'overweight' by BMI. Some of you have seen Mini-Me...has she ever been overweight? Even better, she heard the doctor and took it to heart. Fast-forward a year and I now have a 7 year old on ADHD meds, which already causes appetite issues, who gives me a hard time come meal-time because she 'doesn't want to get fat and be sick'. That's right, my 7
  16. Dd is allergic to cow's milk, so we use alternative milk here. Her favorite is almond milk, which we use coupons to get because that stuff isn't cheap! We were going to use soy, but after I did enough research I decided against it because of it's estrogen-mimicking properties. Silly, maybe, but the kid has enough issues with premature hormones as it is. Hemp milk is awesome, but hard to locate locally. Coconut milk is my personal favorite, but Dd says it 'tastes like nothing' (true...but that's why I like it). Rice milk is alright, and one of the easiest to make.
  17. Though, now that I reread the OP - were you leasing from a private party whom still owed the bank for the car? If so, that doesn't sound legal. Read this: http://www.leaseguide.com/sn/auto-lease-agreement.htm
  18. I have no idea what documents you would need to support your specific issue. For those who got a ticket for an expired tag in a borrowed car, she simply told them 'you're still responsible, because you were the driver'. Same for me, really. I think the only difference between them and me is that I had parked my expired tag/car until we could get it to pass emissions, and only jumped into it when PCSO called me at 11pm at night to tell me my daughter and ex-husband were being cut out of a car. Then, I drove it straight from Scottish Rite to her doctor's office (which is on the way home, and
  19. I spent a day in court over an expired tag right before Christmas. According to a friend who was there all day, I was the only person who had theirs dismissed. I was the only person who seemed to have an actual reason, other than 'I didn't see the sign' or 'I didn't have the money', and I had documentation to support my reason.
  20. I so you, Mark. Someone just told me today about REI's scratch and dent. I'm a thrift store shopper, so you're not likely to see me in new/expensive clothes. lol. Hand-me-downs would rock, though!
  21. I'm a smart ass and haven't much voice concerned, but I am a bit. I haven't decided if my concern yet overruns their right to privacy, however. I don't really want to just walk up and start asking questions. Due to the fact that they have a generator, a not-so-cheap bus, a window unit, and apparently a couple of cars that come and go, I've avoided it as they seem have everything they need except a foundation and a 'real' roof. That, and both times I've seen them, it's been well past bedtime even for normal folks.
  22. Thanks so much!!!! You guys are awesome! We're currently experimenting with dehydrated food - OH's family got us a dehydrator for Christmas and we found an awesome backpacking site with recipes/ideas. OH has a light stove made for this. Both of us are good at carrying weight. Personally, I easily carry the 20lb'er kiddo and quite often carry him on the front and a pack on the back as well - did that for 13 miles on a side trail at Amacalola. Wasn't the easiest thing I've ever done, but I escaped without any kind of back pain other than just being tired. I hiked pregnant, even, an
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