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Everything posted by afriendlygeek

  1. I think it is worth the extra money for cables that will be handled often. Cables that carry a digital signal and are plugged in once and forgotten are not worth the extra money IMO.
  2. I like monoprice.com for cables.
  3. Concerning toxicity: More here.
  4. Here is a link to a post I did in October about Vitamin D. I have been taking 5000 I.U. per day since then and this is the first winter that I have made it this long with a cold. I did have a stomach issue in January but I pretty sure that was something I ate.
  5. More here. You can see if you are a winner here. (If you collect a substantial amount of money as a result of reading this post, I expect you to buy me lunch one day).
  6. I think your should head to the Doc. I'm leaving now to take my daughter. I think she has strep.
  7. You guys are so sweet. Love ya!
  8. Thanks guys. Tona, It was great to finally meet you and hubby.
  9. I think that Microsoft Security Essentials is a fine program. My only issue with it is that some have reported problems with it updating automatically and running scans automatically. If you are willing to manually update it and manually scan, I say go for it. Otherwise, I recommend AVG for a free solution or NOD32 for paid.
  10. Luckily I do not get many calls like that. Whenever I do, I just have to go to the happy place in my mind to keep from pulling my hair out.
  11. I had thought that Murray would take the fall for this from the very beginning. More here.
  12. I absolutely agree with you, but from the geek world a TWIT is a good thing:
  13. A year ago I had to have an upper back tooth pulled. It was badly decayed and a crown was not an option. So far, I have not missed the tooth.
  14. After you restart the computer, you may need to use the Norton removal tool which is found here: http://service1.symantec.com/Support/tsgeninfo.nsf/docid/2005033108162039
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