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Everything posted by afriendlygeek

  1. Before you do that, click "Help" and "Check for Updates". Install the update and see if the problem is resolved.
  2. Click "Help" on the menu bar and then "About Mozilla Firefox". You may want to try uninstalling and reinstalling FF.
  3. It seems that some in this world do not take the right to privacy very seriously. Take a look at the article below with a quote from the CEO of Google. More here.
  4. Agreed, but probably half of of all laptops sold come with a camera and it is not hidden. These days, we should all be on the lookout for our privacy being violated.
  5. That was my question as well and here's my guess: The school provided the laptop to the student to use for school work. Since they provided the laptop, they believe that they have the right to monitor the student. Obviously I do not agree with this rationale, but I think it is the position that the school would take with local law enforcement.
  6. Are you guys that are having problems with FF using the latest version which is 3.6? I have not had a FF crash in months and I leave it open for days at a time.
  7. I do not really have any objections to having my hands swabbed for explosives, it just adds one more inconvenience when flying. More here.
  8. Am I the only one that hates this stage of Idol? It seems like the editors were stoned when they put the show together. They play clips from weeks back, show the same clips twice in a 2 hour show, and tell us about the performer's family, pets and their thoughts and fears. 80% of the show seems to be junk like this. All I really want is to hear them sing and whether they make the cut or not. Am I the exception or does anyone else share the same thoughts?
  9. I did not read the bill, but on the surface it sounds reasonable.
  10. What do you mean it's not Halloween? or The only man ugly enough to trick-or-treat over the telephone.
  11. Thank you for your sacrifice Jason. You have given the ultimate price. Prayers for his family, friends and fellow soldiers.
  12. Okay, let's exempt all government employees since, on average, they make less than their counterparts do in the private sector. We should also exempt those that perform a public service like working with the indigent and religious leaders. I think that fast food workers and convenience store workers should also be exempt. And last, I think any small business owner should be exempt since most of them provide jobs for others. My point is that this is a road that I do not think it is wise to go down. If it is good enough for firemen and policemen and I think it is good enough for others.
  13. Another boring, broke, and tired parent here.
  14. So the rest of us do dishonorable work I guess? I have no problem giving these folks a raise, but I do not think it is fair to exempt anyone from our crazy tax system. We all need to suffer together.
  15. Thanks for the history. I thought it had another name prior to Harmon's. We moved to Powder Springs in 69.
  16. I have always thought that the minimum speed of 40 on an interstate is way to low. If you are traveling 40 and the posted limit is 70, you will encounter cars going twice as fast as you. That does not seem safe at all.
  17. I just talked to my dad and you are correct. It was the building next door that I was thinking of which cycled through several restaurant names.
  18. I ate there when it was Hunts and Harmons. I'm trying to think what it was before Harmons.
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