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Everything posted by copschick

  1. considering he has to be there to take the picture, I have no other choice, now do I???
  2. The next time they are out there fighting, call the police. They will come out and take care of it, and all you did was simply call about a noise disturbance The neighbors never have to know it was you
  3. yeah... my tummy is growling and I have to wait until 2 to eat anything
  4. Jeez...I just wanna look like the mermaid...
  5. OH MY GOD...so, we went to get the 15 yr old's learner's permit on Saturday. I paid for it, they took his picture, took all of the ppwk that was required, took the test (and passed God help us all) but couldn't print the permit because their system was having maintenance performed. They were very nice and explained that on Tues (today), we could pick it up. I called the main number for questions and asked them if we had to go back to Cartersville or if we could go anywhere. They said anywhere was fine, so during my lunch hour, I went to the North Cobb office and sat....................and sa
  6. ewwwww. Oh Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a great diet plan...now I don't wanna eat lunch
  7. Tow has a Cpap...he always feels great after sleeping with it. I on the other hand am ALWAYS tired. I thought I would be real cute while he was at work last night and use it. ONE BIG PROBLEM...the power went out I woke up feeling like I was suffocating! It was horrible! Tow sure did think it was funny though
  8. do you want a podiatrist or an orthopaedic?
  9. very interesting...thanks for posting that
  10. which is more painful....the makeup or the head bashing???
  11. I'm gonna have to call her...I just don't have the patience or the nerves for this lol
  12. that makes me thankful I have a bottle of wine at home! Oh my Lord, I have answered some of the dumbest questions today. I'm very tired of hearing a phone ring! lol I'm gonna drink heavily starting at 6:00 this evening!
  13. work work work and my classes start back Tuesday, so I'll be in school too
  14. rolf...I'm trying to teach him how NOT to run folks over
  15. yeah...sometimes I think they should change the name to "Im a dumbass but lived to tell about it"...
  16. I have a Peggy Lee CD in my car as a matter of fact, I was listening to it this morning! I loooooooooooooooooove Senza Fine
  17. lol I'll be sure and call you before we leave the house. Oh dear Lord, I was not looking forward to this and it is every bit the nightmare I thought it would be. I'm thinking Taggart's might have a new student!
  18. I'm gonna need it...YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Just a little PSA to inform you all that my oldest got his learner's permit on Saturday. I will be sure to post before we go out on the roads so you all can avoid the area he will be driving in! LOL Lord Jesus, help me
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