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Everything posted by copschick

  1. uh.........racist much? I didn't say ANYTHING about the demographic makeup of the school... Me too, Jen...
  2. lol If you have been to McEachern lately, you would know he DID need it for protection! That place is skeery
  3. :wub: you are so sweet...we have been crazy busy
  4. There was also a proposal to raise the millage rate by like .05% resulting in a property tax increase of, on average, $87.00 per year for each homeowner. Not to mention the business. The outcome of the increase? a $31,000,000.00 profit. They would not have to lay ANYONE off. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they go with that idea
  5. and need some entertainment...so someone tell a joke or something
  6. Maybe they figure that us girls don't wanna have to sit and listen to you men complain, fuss, and carry on when it takes forever?
  7. Dang, FitFab....how in the hello do you manage to misplace that???? You must've used it at the Mexican Restaurant. Quit eatin' out so much!
  8. Pat...thank you so much for your help with my kiddo's tux for the formal! We will certainly be sending people your way!!!
  9. My poor Ranger is going to freeze to death
  10. well, actually, they were smart enough to stay in outta the rain the past few weeks! Amazing, but true!! I thought they may turn into ducks! Hey you! backatcha!
  11. awwww! We hatched (well, technically, the hen hatched) 3 more babies....they are soooooooooo cute!
  12. I don't know if Tow is or not...he ain't made it home yet! I'm having an okay evening so far, laundry going, dinner going, one child gone for the evening...things are good! Hope you have a good one too BS
  13. lol RM...yep, it's good, but with all the chicken farming we do, it leaves little time for Pcom
  14. We are doing good...just stay busy How about you?
  15. What's up? Long time no see I heard from a little birdie that some folks were missing me
  16. We had hamburger steak and gravy, mashed potatoes, squash/zuchini/bell pepper/onions, cabbage, and cornbread YUM
  17. I can't decide what I want. Tow wants BLT's (for about the 10th time in the past month) but I'm starving and want real food. Help!
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