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Everything posted by gpatt0n

  1. The topic that raises this question is this topic ... which was one of those in which the line protecting CM's and the protection of the community involves a transaction involving a home. It was raised in the topic but I would prefer it be raised outside of the CM's topic. pubby
  2. There is another topic that raises the question of what folks should know about others before doing business with them. For instance, most folks are pretty comfortable doing business with the Hardy Winning Dealerships because they've known Charles Hardy or of him for 30 years in that business and of course, he's born and bred Paulding. But someone new on the scene? How do folks get to know them well enough to feel comfortable doing business with a 'newbie' ... pubby
  3. Free food proves popular Helping Hands, which had initially expected to give away five dozen eggs and ten pounds of cheese to five hundred families over a two day period Wednesday and Thursday discovered early Wednesday afteroon that the demand was far greater than the supply. By about 2:40 PM the charitable group was already packing up shop having provided 750 families with five dozen free eggs and cheese. The distribution originally scheduled on Thursday from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. was canceled and the volunteers and staff alike were ready to call it a day ... until a mother with cancer
  4. Not really the PD ... the sign just lets the property owner call a wrecker ... I understand a handful or more cars have been towed. pubby
  5. The issue is one that will remain invisible. I do request the principals involved contact me directly. pubby
  6. Yet another scene as General Jack Ripper speaks with authority on the importance of purity of essence MCMM ... one of my most very favorite movies. pubby
  7. If you're looking a CNA, you might check out chattahoochee tech in Dallas (at the corner of 61 and 278 (www.chattahoocheetech.edu/) Georgia Highlands college and Kennesaw State University are the two schools providing educational opportunities at the campus on the square. their web sites are www.highlands.edu and www.kennesaw.edu pubby PS: If any one of them were supporting members on the site, that would be a live link
  8. You should repost Mr. Rogers if it was so funny 'cause folks can't see it in that context no more. pubby
  9. have her call me. She needs a new password and if she contacts me, I'll give her one. pubby
  10. I don't think there would have been additional layoff's had the county increased it tax a full .5 mills but instead, the anti-tax folks convinced them to cut the increase for maintenance and operations from that .5 mills to .25 mills. I.e. there was an additional cut to all the constitutional offices (DA, judges, clerk of the courts, etc.) as well as the commission ... that forced additional layoffs. pubby
  11. Actually, one of the more interesting aspects regarding the electrics... don't know if it is part of the VOLT package ... is the effort by a company starting in Europe to popularize interchangeable battery packs. Indeed, folks buy the car and rent the battery packs or charge them using a company connection (that is managed as to time of charging, etc.) Part of the idea is that as battery technology improves, the 'company owned' power packs will be upgraded more easily and efficiencies applied to older cars. pubby
  12. Had a HP laptop once ... actually twice ... and I will never have another. That said, if it weren't for the government and insurance companies, I'd bet they'd let the batteries burn without the slightest concern. They have short warranties and poorly designed laptops that are prone to failure. . pubby PS: I remember the conversation that I had with HP support about the laptop I had was 'out of warranty' by about a month and there was nothing they could do other than charge me doggone near as much as I paid for the unit to fix it. I said that I would forswear their product
  13. Curtis: did you see the 'body shapes' at the hand car wash behind Brookes Salvage? They are like foam board cut out like manniquins and then dressed. When I saw them I remember you wanting to do something like that to highlight auto safety. pubby
  14. Sorry for the down time folks but when the DB messes up, it messes up. pubby
  15. Paulding.com news this week includes: **Free food ** Thieves take kitchen sink - bathroom sink too ** Ragsdale Clay Shoot coming next Saturday ** Chad Plumley kicks off campaign for DA ** Parking problem at local college ** Rodeo recap Click for RECENT TOPICS click for RECENT TOPICS click for RECENT TOPICS
  16. So with that, I guess you're on board with whatever taxes it is going to take to keep the cities 'dry'. I mean, the proximate cause is your use of fossile fuels but even more, your unwillingness to do anything about it which, arguably, is a matter of negligence. Hence, you're judgment is that there is no such thing and so you'll gladly save a quarter today knowing that your actions, which could only cost a couple of dollars, will require literally billions later to rectify the act. Kind of like the drunk at the bar who says he's a good driver drunk and doesnt want to spend the $1
  17. passed out or just 'dead'. and given the the topic was the tonk was dead ... and I thought it editorially fitting. Had the topic been something more 'lively' pubby pubby
  18. It was abstract subby: It was abstract art done by a 'reality photographer' who puts nudes in various public places and photographs them. pubby
  19. Kasteroil Tell you what I'll do. Check your membership status. It will be like that for a few days. You've got one of the rare 'trials' ... check out the tonk. PW is YUK. you have to have the membership to even see it. pubby
  20. LOL is probably more true in use than ROTFLMAO of which ROTFL is a more modest way to express it. However, ROTFLMAO is always an exaggeration as those who use it (and I have) typically have enormous posteriors largely from SOTARPC (sitting on their ass reading PCOM.) pubby
  21. Considering that they do compete with Brooks and are not business members, I'm just going to put this one to bed. I'm not hiding, but I do think they've gotten enough. pubby
  22. I don't think I can do anything tonight ... but let me see if there is something I can do. pubby
  23. I don't think you can reply from any phone. there are no ads, links to the recent topics page or anything other than text links. pubby
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