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Everything posted by gpatt0n

  1. If that is that is the case, then a full and accurate reporting of the facts would once and for all dispel the notion of wage inequality, now wouldn't it. Given that the norm has been employer rules prohibit discussion of compensation and presumably enforce secrecy in a time when folks have limited confidence in all institutions, to vilify those who propose supplanting knowledge and information seems down right undemocratic. pubby
  2. Here is one of several stories about the revelation that facebook, in its desire to know how to better manipulate people (or at least read the moods of 1.15 billion people who are their guinea pigs) conducted mind-game experiments on nearly 700,000 members last year in a formal social research study. Well, I'm not so disturbed by this experiment because, if you know anything about direct marketing, every marketing message is 'an experiment' if you are doing the process correctly. However, the point here is simply is not that emotions are contagious - social science research has k
  3. Sorry to hear that Laurie. You've got my prayers. pubby
  4. Shortly afternoon today (July 1), the Dallas PD was investigating a non-injury accident just east of the intersection of US 278 and GA 61. The accident left one SUV in the median and a RV off in the ditch on the south side of 278. Apparently the SUV was pulling the RV and things went, as they say, wrong. Click for RECENT TOPICS click for RECENT TOPICS click for RECENT TOPICS
  5. People don't deal with changes in routine as easily and adeptly as you think they should cmorg. They can blow it with tragic results. NASA's Ames Center did come up with a solution ... (and I came up with it and that's how I found this one from 2002) http://www.nasa.gov/centers/langley/news/releases/2002/02-008.html pubby
  6. Rockster, what makes this a huge win is that establishes beyond a shadow of a doubt that the county's actions were legal whereas the contention of the opposition was that the action of these boards were illegal and therefore not just inappropriate but worthy of sanction. Those in opposition raised the question and drove home that negative judgment with the obvious implications of what happened on election day May 20th. By raising the questions of propriety, the opposition claimed the 'high moral ground' despite the fact that their entire challenge was based on the spin of a silver-ton
  7. Gone: While you approach your anti-airport position with 'religious zeal' ... I don't think it really is an issue with religious implications. I've posted an interview with the Chairman on today's news and also the complete decision. Seems the line that all this was illegal and done in illegal meetings was more a matter of faith in those tony Atlanta attorneys than a technical understanding of what is doable under Georgia law. pubby
  8. Paulding County's actions to fund expansion of the Airport to make it viable for commercial use through public bonds was affirmed by the Georgia Supreme Court today. The county, which approved bonds for a runway expansion, was challenged by two residents whom many believe were proxies for the interests of Delta Airlines and HJIA, who oppose any other commercial airports in the Atlanta region. Above is an interview with Paulding Board of Commissioners Chairman David Austin, who is pleased with the decision. Click for RECENT TOPICS click for RECENT TOP
  9. I had stopped by yesterday afternoon and he was already having issues and didn't want to see anyone and they were being concerned about having to go back to the hospital. I'm glad they did and almost wish they had made the call sooner rather than later. I hope we get some good word soon and certainly my prayers are with him, Melissa and his family. pubby
  10. I'm sure that every 12 year old in Nicaragua sits in an English composition class that explains to them how to duck bullets from the gangs while filling out immigration papers in English that will sit in a bureaucrats in box for six months before being stamped 'rejected' ... I suppose we should truly value youth who are so smart, secure and capable of ducking incoming and taking rejection that if they would not even take the so-called initiative to show up. Fact is, this is a horrible situation for which there are no good answers. Unless and until someone like Cruz or maybe Sessions o
  11. Jeb Bush has compassion. GWB was competitive in the 2000 election because he billed himself as a 'compassionate' conservative. The folks in this topic have no compassion. My best guess is that they have invested in CCA (Corrections Corporation of America) and so they want to make sure if any undocumented person crosses the border, they're put into a CCA O and O holding area where they can make money from them. When the money runs out, their compassion is so lacking they would rather put them on boats off the coast of their native Nicaragua where they can starve or be sold into s
  12. I'd rather take beach bums word as I would some body in city hall in Atlanta that makes an allegation and doesn't document it; just claims rights under a contract without displaying the provisions of the contract in writing or black and white. Indeed, remember that this guy or the HJIA manager either one were parties or involved in the purchase. These folks are also politicians and while I wouldn't suggest they'd lie under oath, talking to the AJC doesn't involve a bible, swearing to tell the truth or any of that. People in power tend to use the press to manipulate things to their benefit
  13. Looks like a fun thing to do CC pubby
  14. This observation always strikes me as a questionable. Basically, if you compare cities to the country or red states and blue states - Republicans being rural and Democrats concentrating in the cities - either comparisons would suggest that the better educated and even more dynamic people live in areas dominated by Democrats. When you think of these things in this context, the question soon becomes which candidates are actually being elected by the 'so-called' stupid people (cmorg - stupid is your word.) pubby
  15. surepip: You should be able to turn up the sound on the youtube player. Lowrider: I don't know why you can't view the video ... it is a youtube and I thought that iphones could view youtubes. Try this link:
  16. On the issue of the proportions ... conservatives like to think their position is universal when even at best, it is only a little better than 2:1 here in the 19th most conservative county in the USA. The reason that conservatives like to think that, of course, is because if they are the vast majority and 'because' everyone feels just as they do, then they have little problem with government enforcing things like ... well ... no booze, no dancing and even the ever-favorite in the south, no uppity people who don't know their place. We all know that the conventional wisdom is all too of
  17. Obviously, you subscribe to that woman's logic (the columnist). Among the jewels she laid was this: The plain fact is that Republicans are hoping to win an election, inspire riots in major cities where hundreds of thousands of insured cars and insured homes are destroyed forcing the insurance companies to payout and giving the economy that needed boost of activity and employment to pull us out of the recession. The REAL truth is that flat expenditures in health care is a good number as it suggests fewer people are sick and while that may disturb the bean counters, only those p
  18. Recognitions, the airport, early retirement, water treatment and more were discussed at today's commission meeting. Click for RECENT TOPICS click for RECENT TOPICS click for RECENT TOPICS
  19. Just got a call from Melissa and Thad by all accounts had a successful surgery and is now resting quietly in post-op recovery. They've reviewed the x-rays and all seems to be a-okay and other than being in the hospital for a couple of days, he should be coming out and on the road to recovery. The news is good! pubby PS: I was visiting with him yesterday afternoon when some of his pcom friends came by with a queen sized bed frame for the downstairs. It was the last of the special equipment like walkers, porta-potties and the like that he needed for the recovery and was so, so tha
  20. so you don't have to go elsewhere: It was exceedingly cruel but I have to say at that age young girls do think they can lie about anything and get away with it. A good comeuppance in my book. pubby
  21. When people talk about attitudes and decisions they make, we often see they opt for the short term for a variety of reasons. This Ted talk sets up the inclination and irrationality of our decision making and touches on aspects ranging from the popularity of the lottery to the observation that people choosing not to fly and drive instead since 911 had resulted in tens of thousands of more deaths as a result. Basically, it seeks to demonstrate how illogically we make decisions, which some might think is the first step toward making better decisions. pubby
  22. The video above relates to an earlier case where someone got not only the bright idea that they could patent your genes but claim ownership of those genes anytime they were outside your body. I'm sure I'm not the only person who has been freaked about some of the patents that have been issued in recent years. It seemed the government was passing out monopolies to individual companies for the fun of it ... even in the so-called invention was already in common usage. Take the case that was decided this week - by a 9-0 majority of the SCOTUS, BTW. (The following is from this article in the SCOTU
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