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Everything posted by xxrsellars

  1. How tragic to lose such a small child, I just cannot imagine how the family must feel, so sad.
  2. Sounds like something Clinton would say......... Sure hope you find IT !!!
  3. I have reported this, nothing......protected species......
  4. Yep !!! Presidents don't create jobs, Maybe W don't know but it was the dot com that Clinton was riding and putting IOU's in the Social Security bucket moving the SS money to the General fund that made his ever famous surplus...... Wasn't that the Obozo "Shovel Ready" program.....What happened????
  5. LTD, the first eight words of your post #97 is the answer......
  6. Would you expect anything different from the fiction novel writer Mrs. O................
  7. Her's a question for ya ZC......Would You Hire now?? "Here we go again: Stocks plunge on economic fear" In the United States, there were reports that more people joined the unemployment line last week than a week earlier, gasoline prices contributed to higher inflation and manufacturing slowed in the mid-Atlantic. http://xfinity.comcast.net/articles/news-general/20110818/US.Wall.Street/
  8. ZC continues down the "Economy is improving" path.. I just bought a bigger mattress so I can take my money out of the banks, if I don't the Guberment will !!
  9. here is another one of those economy improvements...... "Jobless claims rise 9,000 last week" WASHINGTON (Reuters) - New U.S. claims for unemployment benefits rose more than expected last week, according to a government report on Thursday that suggested hiring in August was steady but not robust. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Jobless-claims-rise-9000-last-rb-2493885976.html?x=0&sec=topStories&pos=main&asset=&ccode=
  10. And the good news just keeps on coming !! "Georgia unemployment rate rises to 10.1 percent in July" http://blogs.ajc.com/business-beat/2011/08/18/georgia-unemployment-rate-rises-to-10-1-percent-in-july/ I know, your canned reply is " Jobs always lag in an improving economy". Yeah, it's lagging it's A$$ off.......
  11. Yep !! They're skeered of that dip weed (being nice) Admin in Washington cause he hasn't finished his job in destroying America...
  12. I'll have to admit that I have a problem.... I'm a Lesbian, trapped in a man's body.......
  13. Looking back through all the post on this topic....only see a couple of red dot losers.....go figure
  14. Me either....oh, you're talking about the phone stuff.....
  15. The economy is improving.......wait, that's ZC line..... ......
  16. Exactly !! But you have to consider the source....same old kind of crap......
  17. ZC would rather argue than eat when she's hungry......well, after looking at her avatar, maybe not. Anyway....... "733 Companies, Unions and other Groups with 2,189,636 Workers Now Exempt From Obamacare" http://www.economiccollapse.net/733-companies-unions-groups-with-2189636-workers-exempt-from-obamacare
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