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Everything posted by xxrsellars

  1. Tomorrow night 29 degrees, not tonight
  2. Wishing the best for you JJ. So far I've checked clean since my cancer surgery two years ago this month. I know you will be glad when it's over......
  3. People use race all the time for identification purposes, nightly news, police, banks, airport, yada,yada,yada. The folks that live down the road from me are black, I live up the road from them and I'm white, am I a racist?? Nope, don't think so, are they? nope, don't think so.
  4. I was looking for the "Are you Democrat or Republican" question, He likes to bash Republicans every chance he gets.......Sorry for the hijack..
  5. Beautiful !!! Need to send that pic in to Fox5.
  6. I only have two words...BAMA LOST !!!!!
  7. Is Fred Tokars still alive in prison???? I worked with his brother at CDC for awhile. I often wonder about the two sons....
  8. But, But, Our mild mannered reporter said "It's dead".....
  9. That Yellow line looks right on top of me, but hard to tell cause secondary roads not identified, would be way to close in any case... I checked again, not as close as I thought, but still close.
  10. Oh the intelligence that flowed forth from that presentation just overwhelmed me.....I will play this over and over....
  11. A toll road would have prevented this??? My son is an OTR driver for a very large trucking company, they are routed around toll roads, not allowed on the toll roads unless there is no other route. Not sure that putting in a toll road will create a bunch of jobs. If you don't like the drive to your job, move closer. VOTE NO !!
  12. Thanks !!! Now I know I'm against it.....
  13. Nope.. Don't want it, but if they do decide to use the yellow route, I may have some land to sell...
  14. Alright kid, ditch the Pirate outfit, you'll piss off the folks in Somalia........Geeez. People need to grow some new skin, this PC crap is getting out of hand.
  15. In about three weeks that is what she will call you........
  16. Congrats LTD !!! I know the sad feeling, but that will pass. I've been retired two years this month (2nd retirement)I love the feeling of not having to look for a job or worried of being let go from a job, however, my wife would love for me to go back to work but I take the 5th wheel and go camping instead. Congrats again !!!!
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