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Everything posted by xxrsellars

  1. Wait, wouldn't that be for Muslim.........
  2. I let the dog out to "Rest" on the front porch, haven't fed her yet, I'll wait a little bit, she's mean when she's hungry....
  3. Just LAMO, not even a clue...... Don't you have a school to pick on this week??
  4. I did copy your recipe.....Sounds very good, my wife doesn't care for sprouts, but, more for me. Thanks for posting.
  5. From the Communist News Network....Gotta love it !!
  6. Democrats and rely on the Guberment to take care of them....
  7. Not to be a smart azz, How do you come to the conclusion that it is valid and sound? and where is your proof of the numbers? Just because you read it is not proof. Like I said, don't want to be a smart azz, but before you "T" off on someone....JMO
  8. So what are you, the Pcom business spokes person??? If it's personal then Butt out....You're right, you're a liberal.
  9. So I guess you are...doesn't surprise me. Maybe you can volunteer to teach them how to march as well....
  10. And grades 6-12 will learn how to disassemble and clean an AK-47.. Why must the Guberment feel that they have to be involved in every aspect of our lives. Sick, Sick, Sick !!!
  11. you're kidding? ...Right!!...You know that ain't gonna happen...
  12. Cracked me up!! Loved the last song....
  13. Be thinking of ya JJ, It's a wonderful feeling to say "I'm a cancer survivor"......I know !! Hang in, it's worth it.
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