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Everything posted by dapandlap

  1. Oh I forgot I've met the infamous Caped Crusader.
  2. My first concert was Elvis, in the old Omny, met Joe Namath at a hotel in Alabama, talked with Richard Petty at a book signing, talked to Jerry Reed over the phone "my Mom and Jerry were neighbors growing up", met old motocross stars Bob Hannah and Roger Decoster, used to order parts for Speedtv's Dave Despain when I worked the parts counter at a Honda dealership. That's all can remember for now.
  3. Hey Blue qwik hijak - What's your take on the NFL's new rules, what's next? might as well take away the helmets and pads and let them wear flags.
  4. believe it or not but the fair tax will cover the basics for all families.
  5. You should give as much if not more credit to Gingrich and the repub controlled congress as you do to Clinton.
  6. "Lack of planning on your part, does not constitute an emergency on mine" unknown.
  7. After about a decade or so time changes to move faster and faster.
  8. So let's see here, if folks don't see things your way, they are brainwashed fools and idiots. That's a sure fire way to convince people to carry on a decent conversation.
  9. over the years I would hafta say I've collected a few wrinkles, and pounds. Can not say the same for hair folicles though.
  10. NG, I have taken the kids fishing over the weekend, and completely forgot about pcom, found it to be very relaxing.
  11. Well you know what they say, ringing ears is a sure sign of getting old
  12. Where do you find the expiration code?
  13. Well-lye ain't never seen me no deer lyk at-un air.
  14. back up your statement with some facts
  15. are you saying that the powers that be can actually think surely ye jest
  16. Who is going to be trying to fill his shoes next year?
  17. That's interesting, what/who will he be teaching? Also sounds like maybe we pcommers will have an insiders viewpoint on the mideast/muslim culture.
  18. I think the phrase was "if we don't pass the stimulus now we will surely see unemployment reach 8%". Or something very close to that, looks like the people in control of DC have a problem with predictions also.
  19. I believe it WAS the government controlled Fannie /Freddie that pushed the sub prime mortgages that caused the meltdown, by pushing to allow people into mortgages knowing all the while they would default. Thanks Barney.
  20. How FREAKING STUPID are the idiots in Washington?, this will surely help the economy. What was 0bamas promise all during his campaign, " no tax increases on 95% of American families" I want my bumper sticker now 0bama LIED
  21. United Auto Workers put the nail in the coffin.
  22. Am I reading the chart correctly that people with children will see a larger tax increase than people without?
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