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Everything posted by packhead

  1. I hate to tell you this but your Flag Day link is incorrect. Bernard J. Cigrand is credited with being the father of Flag Day. The first recognized observance of Flag Day was held June 14th, 1885 at Stoney Hill School in Waubeka,WI. I have been to many Flag Day celebrations over the years. I do appreciate you posting the Flag Code. Too many have no idea. Link http://www.nationalflagday.com/
  2. Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-soccer(that's right, this is America after all), it may be fun to play but I just can't bring myself to watch grown men kick a ball all over the place for 90 min. It would be different if the US actually won. I just can't get too worked up over a tie. The old kissing your sister thing.
  3. Best nap I've had in weeks.
  4. If you allow one group to do this you must allow all to do it whether you wear a helmet or a funny hat, carry a bucket for a church or a picture of your kid.
  5. Gee, it rained and directv went out? Now there's a surprise!!
  6. A couple nights ago as we were leaving practice (Hiram) my son set down his equipment bag to help his mother put her chair and assorted belongings into the car. He forgot to pick up his bag as I hurried him to get in. We didn't notice until last night before practice that it was missing. I asked at the park figuring someone would have turned it in. Wrong! He was crushed since ALL his stuff ,including his asthma inhaler was in there. This is the same kid who just the other day made his mother drive back to the store to return an extra quarter he had gotten change. I guess I start today
  7. So now Brett Meyer flip flops in 24 hrs? Is that some kind of a record? At least he's not creating any kind of a distraction. He always did love headlines. The only reason I see for his now "leave of absence" is losing arguably one of the best college QB's of all time and a large portion of his defense. So why not let someone else take the heat next year for a mediocre team?
  8. I am so sorry to hear that. I hope you have someone you can talk to help get you through it. I can't begin to imagine life without my lovely wife. I'll say a prayer for you.
  9. From what I've seen I'm guessing..... Mexico?
  10. I would hardly consider that place, or any other where flip flops, shorts and a t shirt is acceptable as upscale. That's not an excuse for poor tipping, but this is paulding cty. and hicks are everywhere. I start at roughly 20% (closest dollar amount) and work from there. I visited an establishment across the street from there today and ended up way south of 20%. Do not make me wait while you bs with the other servers. Having to ask repeatedly for the same thing because you forgot AGAIN costs you $$.
  11. With you, I'm guessing there's probably more than one X available.
  12. Yes, conform or wear your scarlet letter for all to see.
  13. Those that seem oblivious to the fact that there's a mere 1/32" of leather between their ass and the pavement.
  14. I subscribe to the Don King theory. "I wash my hands before I touch my ____". Most guys learn that before 6th grade.
  15. I would rather deal with someone who wears his convictions on his sleeve than someone who hides behind political correctness. I am not part of the thought police who require everyone to think as they do.
  16. At least he stood up for what he believed. I hope in the days to come he doesn't retract his comments by saying they were taken out of context or he was misquoted. Say what you mean and mean what you say. If you want to give someone the finger, give them the finger. If you want to shake their hand, do so whether someone is watching or not. I can respect that.
  17. Then don't go to this one. It is more of a carnival than a state fair. The one in Perry is closer to what you have seen.
  18. Then we should also tax internet use per keystroke or mouse click since it can contribute to a sedentary lifestyle. There a quite a few on here that would pay dearly.
  19. It's a good thing Miami is trying to give them the game. defense looks good which was the biggest ? going into the season. Doing a poor job impersonating an O-line, and what's with Elam? Lots of ammo for the coaches come tue. That being said, a W is a W.
  20. You hit the nail on the head there! It also amazes me that a CM will use THAT membership to post personal replies. I can tell you that there are more businesses that I will not use than I would use based on their personal opinions. Then again maybe that's a good thing. Go ahead, post away so I can make a more informed decision with whom I should spend my money.
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