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Everything posted by packhead

  1. Never never never use these fools. They screwed me so bad I still can't sit down. Enterprise saved our family vacation on no notice at all.
  2. I hate to say it but if I had to choose between losing the home I live in or the rental, the rental is gone. I know it sucks for the renters but my family would come first.
  3. But the trade off is that you actually have to live there!
  4. Bingo! They are living there not you. Would you want someone to go through your life and pass judgment on things you have or have not done? I know people with sparkling houses who are complete a--holes. Give me a good hearted slob any day of the week.
  5. "Son, Ruskies don't take a dump without a plan." ---- The Hunt for Red October.
  6. Way to kill the goose! I've had Saturns since the first year they rolled off. It was fun to order a car and have it built just for you.
  7. The house is actually on the circle straight through the intersection. I don't think they caught anybody, at least not from their foot search. One of the first cars to leave was a chevy caprice at a very high rate of speed.
  8. That was my thought exactly. I'd even supply the ammo, although from the sound of it there was plenty to go around. Too bad they were such rotten shots!
  9. You? Not hardly. It is however, obvious that Surepip gets under yours. Rarely does he make a post and you are not far behind. I actually enjoy your squabbles. Thanks for the laughs.
  10. Wow. I guess we really do read into things what we want.. I may be wrong but I took it that they(RBMB) may become extinct due to voting certain people out of office, not honest builders losing business due to the economic conditions that presently exist.
  11. I'm glad these are not uncontested. As much as I like what I have read and heard about Mr. Seabolt, I would have voted for a dead tree stump before Larry Ragsdale. ( Or any other incumbent for that matter.)
  12. By all means say what you mean. My skin has grown pretty darn thick over the years. I don't really want to get into a pissin' contest with you but I can't just let your reply go either. When you post that you believe it is the law, and place exclamation points after it. YOU seem to be worried about someone's legal standing. Comparing a collision with an animal to one with other people in a moving steel object is a stretch don't you think? I have been at more than my share of accidents as a former EMT. Believe me, there is NO comparison. Don't try to make me out as some uncaring an
  13. Now first let me say that I probably would have stopped, at least to get the owners name from the tag(assuming there is one). I am a pet owner and would like to know if this happened to my dog so he doesn't lay there only to be hit again. As far as taking responsibility for one's actions, exactly which action would that be? Maintaining one's lane while traveling on the roadway? I'm sorry but if it's hitting your dog or the ditch, the dog loses. There is a leash law. Your post almost implies intent. Is it really a law to stop and render aid to an animal? Do squirrels count? I ha
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