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Everything posted by packhead

  1. 3rd round?? I think you're trying too hard not to hurt someones feelings.
  2. packhead


    Thank you. I can see where this could become a slippery slope.
  3. packhead


    There is another lesson that has been taught here. If you aren't caught in the act, keep your mouth shut, admit nothing and force them to prove it because you will still go down hard and the public will still demonize you.
  4. packhead


    Then, is the roadway in front of the school considered school grounds? I am not talking about the crime, which the court system is there to handle but rather if the school can punish someone for a county offense.
  5. packhead


    I was hoping for a more insightful response.
  6. packhead


    If they had sprayed painted the Mt.Tabor parking lot would they still have been suspended/expelled?
  7. I find it funny that your two threads are connected by the same type of people.
  8. Go right ahead and file all the complaints you want. I can guarantee that no matter what the problem is it will now get worse!!
  9. You are so right, All the DC's in the league lose sleep at night trying to figure out how to stop the Falcon,s 2,3,and 4 WR's.
  10. packhead


    I'm up for a rubber match! Would rather not fly across the country.
  11. Yes, I refuse to use the name dujour for old roads.
  12. You're giving us all a bad name! Only Bankhead goes under Austell rd.
  13. Thanks, that's what I needed to hear. By the time I get there and back the sun will be on it's way up. He'll just have to grab him a spot to crash. No pun intended.
  14. I forgot to say he is plenty old enough. Haven't seen him in years and am anxious to see him, but getting hit by some idiot...., not so much.
  15. My son is arriving in a couple of hours. How is the road from Hiram to the airport? Should I chance it or just let him sit there until morning. I know the side roads are horrible.
  16. "It's Enrico Palazzo!" Sad news.
  17. This post leaves me dumbfounded. You want reality? Pull your bleeding heart liberal head out of Mayberry.
  18. That's right, blame someone else for this kid's actions. We're not talking about pushing someone back and getting caught because the teacher only saw you. This kid committed a FELONY and brought a gun AND ammo to school. If he was just trying to scare someone he wouldn't need the ammo. I couldn't care less what makes him tick. I'm still pissed I didn't hear anything from the school. When my kid got in trouble for raising his voice in the library I received two calls at work and a note home. Also, isn't there suppose to be a lock down of some sort when something like this happens or am
  19. I asked my son if he received any letter or note about this. He didn't know anything about it other than some kids talking about someone with a weapon today. Is there anything in that letter not covered in the vague story in the ajc?
  20. If it is indeed the parents gun they should be charged also. The damn kid brought ammo with him, he intended to use it! My kid is in his class, why do I find this out through PCOM and the AJC? No letter sent home, no call, not even a damn recorded message.
  21. Poor you since by the looks of it SP will be hard pressed to win A game all season. The Middle School teams fared no better Sat. against EPMS.
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