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Everything posted by packhead

  1. I also solve problems in my head this way. I was never taught this it just seemed easier. Not everyone can do math in their head. If I were to solve them on paper I would use the old way. I tried to teach my daughter once how to work it out in her head as I do. Big mistake.
  2. I fell while cleaning gutters 13 yrs ago & injured myself. I had true Gutter Guards put on & have NEVER had any trouble with them. I believe leaf guard bought them out. Maybe they use an inferior product.
  3. Those roads can not handle the increased traffic ANY development would bring much less heavy ind. Blind corners and hills. Who would pay for infrastructure upgrades?
  4. That's easy. One look at the signed proof would tell you.
  5. First of all, spell the man's name correctly, it's Lombardi. Secondly, he said "Winning isn't everything, wanting to win is ".
  6. Thanks. I scanned topics but ambiguous titles make it difficult. Please close this
  7. My kid texted me someone threatened a shooting. Anyone know anything?
  8. Johnson's been franchised.
  9. I sat at the front table watching him. He worked extremely hard. You should be very proud of him as he should be as well .
  10. They got rid of him and stopped turning the ball over. Gotta be the reason since his numbers were good.
  11. Win a Super Bowl or even a playoff game and it will come.
  12. She is a replacement ref from a minor college conference working a preseason game while the NFL and Refs union work out their labor deal. When that is done she and the other replacements will be back in college or Arena league. With that being said, good for her and I hope she goes completely unnoticed.
  13. Yes we voted as did our daughter the day after her 18th bday. She couldn't understand why the poll workers gushed over her.
  14. Two women from assessors office measured two sides of my house one day. The size hasn't changed in 25 yrs. I think they just picked this old sub and decided to raise everyone's taxes.
  15. With all these people complaining their assessment went down I don't understand how mine could have gone up so much. I can't afford a 66% tax increase.
  16. Their records with and w/o Chipper doesn't bode well for next season.
  17. This exact scenario played out at the company I work for. We took the 10% cut. 3 weeks later 10 people lost their jobs. We got played.
  18. Mason was an 8th grader from EPMS. Very sad. Prayers for him and his family.
  19. I don't understand. Aren't these two statements contradictory?
  20. Yes, but those people and those activities are more prevalent now.
  21. You guys are arguing the wrong point. Peyton's suspension was due to repeatedly lying to the commissioners office about the existence of & his knowledge of the program. If you go before the judge and lie to his face and instruct those who work for to do likewise, you can expect him to throw the book at you. that's what happened here. Your attempts to out-tough guy each other are humorous though.
  22. One of the most under-appreciated Braves of all time. A shoo in first ballot HOFer.
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