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Everything posted by shannonsolomon

  1. ooo!!! little tiny barbeque sandwiches!
  2. I don't care what you do with them; just let me know when it's ready because I'm starving!
  3. AWESOME IDEA!!! 1/2 of everything the child needs and uses: diapers clothes medicine doctors visits food toys soap shampoo toilet paper razors makeup tampons and pads money for the movies cupcakes for birthdays at school birthday parties graduation parties furniture water mortgage or rent electricity gas transportation medical and dental insurance college tuition trips to the emergency room because the kid broke her wrist at the skating rink money for skating rink and pizza birthday gifts for friends cool jeans that she really, re
  4. Maybe the cop has an undiagnosed brain tumor or something.
  5. I love the sticker idea. And you shouldn't have to tell someone that they are parked in an inappropiate spot. They know.
  6. all I can see when I hear this song is Austin Powers!
  7. If he has any fashion sense at all he's thinking "What a positively hideous dress. And those shoes, my God those shoes......."
  8. I know it's in Ghana but jeez, even in dog years 18 months is a little young isn't it?
  9. My Schedule: What I want, when I want.
  10. ...and attaches itself to your face, and lays its evil eggs in your chest, and.....oops sorry, too much Sci_Fi!
  11. Holy crap. Apparently, I am a disgusting slob.
  12. I don't even want to dig around in my own purse. too scary.
  13. More importantly; your parents went on a cruise without you. So....how does that make you feel?
  14. What kind of freak would eat fried chicken with a fork?
  15. I'm watching, too. She was just a great person.
  16. Thanks, couldn't have said it better.
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