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Everything posted by shannonsolomon

  1. Any ice cream I buy ends up dying a sad, lonely, forgotten death in the freezer. BUT, I do like Birthday cake and Blueberry cream pie something something. Can't remember who makes it. I like fruity type yumminess!
  2. Just say "I'm sorry, you have the wrong number" and then hang up.
  3. I know! I know! Let's assign an appraiser for each fat person to watch them weigh in every morning. Then, tax them for every pound over their "ideal" weight. That way the good skinny people don't have to be burdened with having to support the bad habits of others.
  4. The Los Angeles Tribune isn't even a real newspaper, but Google is your friend!
  5. I have no experience as far as my own parents but my ex MIL was difficult. I think if you do what you can now to the best of your ability that's all you can do. Be there for her, don't argue don't discuss. just be there. that's all you can do. If you don't, you'll regret it but if you do you'll have done all you can do and you'll have no regrets. does that make any sense?
  6. Good to know, I'll have to look for it. kid #2 is starting school next month.
  7. and what if being married to a child molester didn't affect how you did your job?
  8. Oh Lord, I sense a new episode of "911" coming up!
  9. Why should teachers have to pay to be able to work?
  10. I can't even imagine the unholy uproar that would occur at my company if we were to have to fork out our own money to pay for anything job related.
  11. Madonna: My baby's got a secret. My baby sang it My baby's got a fever.
  12. anybody know if this is cleared up? my mom's headed that way.
  13. I think if they're allergic you'll know pretty quick. just keep ice on it and keep giving benadryl. watch for: Difficulty swallowing - Slurred speech - Wheezing or difficulty breathing - Confusion or jumbled thoughts - Tightness in the throat or chest - Coughing or hoarseness - Weakness leading to fainting http://www.essortment.com/lifestyle/yellowjacketst_scnl.htm
  14. Poor kid. got any Benadryl?
  15. Hahaha! just trying to entertain. Don't be all jealous of my wit!
  16. A monkey walks into a bar. I don't remember the rest of the joke but your mom's a whore.
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