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Everything posted by shannonsolomon

  1. When I was a kid I made up coupon books with babysitting coupons in it; 1 free hour of babysitting, etc. Why not coupons for: 1 free blowjob 1 free night of agreeing with whatever you're babbling about, etc. 1 free home cooked dinner Well, you see where I'm going......
  2. I didn't bother to play with any polls either. His "abortive attempt to take his own life" was a pile of sheeze. It's a stupid misguided play for attention . I completely believe Susan's account. The man is a power hungry control freak who doesn't care who gets in his way. The "suicide" thing would be embarrassing to any other normal person. Sucks for their kids. douche. hahaha! "sheeze" automatically replaces sheeze. hahaha!
  3. I still have bad memories of my old babysitter plunging the helpless little crabs into a big pot of boiling water. Fighting and climbing over each other to escape over the rim of the pot........doesn't stop me from eating them, though!
  4. Besides all the political crap, what kind of dumbass would send threatening texts and emails like that? If you're gonna threaten someone don't put it in writing for crying out loud!
  5. Ah yes, me too. My brother in law made the HUGE mistake of finishing off my tuna salad for lunch one day. My subsequent meltdown is still legend.
  6. Hahaha! Every day's a sunshine day at Sears!
  7. She probably is his parent. She posted in the Fox article, too.
  8. Nobody tells me what not to do; I'll click what I want. Except for JMT; now. jerk. God! why......arggggg!
  9. If you don't know how to use it don't bother. It'll be a waste of space.
  10. There are no stupid questions; Only stupid anwers. Grasshopper.
  11. Preheat the oven to 325o put turkey in roasting pan breast side up loosely cover with foil and cook for 15 - 20 minutes per pound (until little thermometer pops up). Nevermind, you've got enough advice. Just call me when it's done because I'm starving!
  12. Could you PM me the name of your crappy roofer, too? I can't PM you. Maybe I'm not worthy.
  13. I have a 500 GB. It's loaded with every CD and every song my kids have ever heard and 70 gazillion pictures and it's only about 25% full.
  14. Lord. You best just start making the margaritas now!
  15. If I had food stamps I would SO buy a wedding cake right now. I really want some cake.
  16. Unfortunately, that's what the problem is. When a yorkie attacks, you don't usually have life threatening injuries or death which is what is seen in a lot of pitt bull attacks.
  17. Please tell me it comes in Fire Engine Red! So excited...........
  18. Well seriously, can't you dump a little dirt on your property line and make a little dam?
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