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Everything posted by anjer

  1. leave your porch light off, I seen someone in a dark ford explorer putting a sign up, got any idea who that might be?
  2. all I can say to that is it is thier loss, man oh man, they must not be from around here.
  3. HomeOwner's ASS.? just sayin' is that who said it is Sat?
  4. this is what we are having for supper tonight, picked up my buttermilk this morning for my biscuits.
  5. Parents mold children differently, it ain't got nuttin to do with what day it is on or not. when I was growing up, there were no stores open on Sunday or anything else. Then stores decided they are losing money so they started opening on Sundays and some people went with it, some did not, I have 4 grandkids that are not allowed to paticipate, thier dad did go trick or treating growing up but the mom did not, she is molding them the way she wants, right or wrong? not a issue in her eyes.The other 4 grandkids get to go, they are with me,I grew up in church and I went. and even in the early 70's
  6. I am a farmiss I guess you could say.I have talked to many farmers in the past few years and this is what they told me,we do trees, but this does make me want to go back to raising my own animals on the farm.Just think of all the fast food chains that are selling and making a killing off of us. I am guilty because I will eat at Truitt Cathy's place too.
  7. unfortunely it is from the meat they are being fed,there was a time and they may still be doing it but the farmers were injecting steroids into the baby broilers and young calves ,pigs and all to make them mature faster for the market, this is the result of that, makes ya wonder what else it can be doing to them,emotional , mentally and physically to the bodies, and to us.
  8. it just came back when I logged in, maybe the button needed a break from PCOM.LOL, as far as "what skin am I using", I am lost again, all I know is I have my leaves falling again.
  9. I went on the secretary of state website and was reviewing all candidates on the ballot and the amendments and that John Monds just baffled me when I looked at his Occupation and it said "Homemaker" just unbelievable.www.sos.georgia.gov/mvp
  10. anjer

    A link to

    Thanks, that did it.
  11. anjer

    A link to

    Hi I am trying to find a link to paulding tax records to find the owner of a property , can anyone help. Thanks
  12. that is a list I do not want to make , therefore I keep good records and pay my debt.
  13. If this is in fact true, I would be putting a lien on someones Estate, property, etc for services rendered and not paid for. you can only be nice for so long. I bet they would cough up the money then.
  14. I know quite a few teens that play by the rules at home and then they usually have another account that parents do not know about. That is where the stuff is happening. Just saying.
  15. Hi, when you mention Kennesaw, are you referring to the new one that just opened at Dallas Hwy and Barrett Pkwy? They have also opened one in Douglasville.
  16. me too, love my Fenton glass, last count 250, all organized neatly in my curios. I bought mine at yard sales and estate sales,4 lamps too.
  17. I bought several large sweet teas and a family pack of BBQ from the M-BBQ on Buchanan highway last year and asked for the lemons for our tea, they were gonna charge me a $1.00 for the lemons and I was spending 40 on the meal, I told them that if they could not give me my lemons to go with my tea I would go elsewhere and get my food,they finally gave them to me but they are closed now. I can see why. then I went to the one near 61 and scoggins about 2 weeks ago, I am very funny about my potato salad. I ask the girl if it was all homemade, she said yes,liar, liar. I got home and it wasn't. done
  18. I do not want to vote for none of them. I am still p---ed at Roy Barnes. Lying scoundrel. I do not see how any politician lays thier heads down at night to sleep.
  19. yes, we were in the traffic too. It was bad, we drove on up to Blue Ridge and went to Merciers and took the grandkids out to the orchard to pick thier own. It was crowded too.
  20. That is very sweet of you to say this. As a military mom of identical twins in the army,it was always hard, they were never deployed at the same time so what you went through once , I went through twice. I was told by my sargent son," mom, do not follow the news or media, they will just keep your nerves tore up and they do not know what is going on anyway" he is in "Intelligence", so he would know, so I never listened or worried for them, prayed every night for a safe return. It is so good to hear someone praise the Soldiers, the parents, and the families. No one knows what we all go
  21. I am too, but I almost went into cardiac arrest when I got the bill and I thought,"he's not hitting me with another $650.00." Just joking, need a good laugh.
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