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Everything posted by CanYouHearMeNow

  1. When I bought more ammo for my Glock this week I noticed that this particular gun dealer had just received a shipment of 30 rifles - AK-47's. He sold out the same day. Of course I had to get one for myself.
  2. If they didn't have guns, they'd find another way. Look at the countries where owning a gun is illegal. For example, in Australia, armed robbery is up 13%. But let's make sure we focus on the real problem. Eric Harris age 17 (first on Zoloft then Luvox) and Dylan Klebold aged 18 (Colombine school shooting in Littleton, Colorado), killed 12 students and 1 teacher, and wounded 23 others, before killing themselves. Klebold's medical records have never been made available to the public. Jeff Weise, age 16, had been prescribed 60 mg/day of Prozac (three times the average starting do
  3. I wouldn't say women should not be allowed to vote. However... Stupid people should not be allowed to vote. Voters have a right to vote, but they also have a right to abstain from voting. Voters should exercise this right if they are uninformed or uneducated on the particular race they are voting on. People who depend on the government to provide for them should not be allowed to vote. (A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority
  4. The OWS groups have ceased to have any credibility whatsoever. More and more leaders are continuing to separate themselves from their cause.
  5. Well I'm offended that you'll be freezing your buns off this winter - well actually, I'm not. When you get all of the ice scraped off your windshield in a couple months, come see us. You can work from down here just like me.
  6. You just go ahead and contact your Fox and Friends or ESPN about it. I'm sure they will cuddle up to you and smooth down your ruffled feathers, pipsqueak!
  7. I live in PC (Panama City) and I'm offended that someone would use those initials to describe someone who is sooooo super sensitive that they are offended by anything. The NERVE of people!
  8. I think there is enough mark up in their gold prices that everyone is making a profit. When the burglars were going at it hot and heavy we know one pawn shop that had their gold brokers coming in twice a week to get the gold out of their as quickly as possible. Gold brokers then sell to jewelers who make custom jewelry or do repairs.
  9. ...and the ones that don't turn on their lights in the rain because they think their driving lights (which are only on the front) are sufficient to meet that law requirement.
  10. "...$147 a barrel in July 2008, ...The price of oil dropped to $32 a barrel by December 2008..." That looks like a 78% drop to me. Far be it from me to let facts get in the way of a liberal spin...
  11. I couldn't because my wife is a screamer. She's so loud that the neighbors complain. So I don't let her go over there anymore...
  12. For us, we always go straight up the interstate to Knoxville and then to I-40E and come down to Sevierville/Pigeon Forge from that side. That gets us there the quickest. You can then plan on a day trip over to Cherokee to gamble, shop, whatever.
  13. Gasoline is approaching $4.00 per gallon in California and elsewhere. In the San Francisco Bay Area for the past several days premium gasoline has been as high as $3.919 per gallon. If Obama continues the current trend of blocking drilling and the construction of new refineries, the cost of regular gasoline will soon surpass $4.00 per gallon. We can anticipate $5.00 gasoline this summer When the cost of oil reached $147 a barrel in July 2008, President George W. Bush acted to quickly bring down the cost of oil. He lifted the Executive Ban on offshore drilling on Monday 14 July 2008.
  14. I only try to worry about the things that I can control. I can't control the price of gas so I don't fret over it. It is what it is. I'll save where I can but I'm not going to become a worry wart over it and get ulcers.
  15. I think the website says it's on the second floor.
  16. You know what really burns my butt? A flame about this high...
  17. They're serving Children at Restaurants? I thought there was a minimum age before you could start eating children...
  18. Not unless he was giving him a neck massage. He was just trying to get a better tip.
  19. So what the difference between you taking a picture of someone breaking the law and a red light camera, not run by any law enforcement agency, taking a picture of you breaking the law and having the police send you a ticket? Seems like a double standard to me.
  20. Hmmm. Pot and Mushrooms. You folks know how to party!
  21. That's sad to know that the police won't do anything based on your complaint. That just means you can drive anyway you want and only have to worry about one of the few police officiers out there actually seeing you breaking a traffic law. But I guess it's a good thing to know that I can pass someone on a double yellow line if they're driving too slow and to keep me from getting mad at them.
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