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Everything posted by CanYouHearMeNow

  1. Doctors say there is little they can do for Bobbi Kristina Brown...http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2015/02/04/doctors-say-there-is-little-can-do-for-bobbi-kristina-brown-source-says/
  2. "But I got my Rogaine pills and my Viagra mixed up back at home I had hair growing in real thick but Lord, it was way too stiff to comb."
  3. I just add unsalted peanuts to my sandwich when I want crunchy...
  4. He's been able to keep Imam satisfied for 22 years... "In the late 1970s, Bowie began denying that he had ever been gay or bisexual, insisting it was an image concocted by his managers."
  5. I heard on one of the evening shows where they said that her singing just wasn't all that great. She apparently didn't get the talent her mother had. I just hope Bobby doesn't wait until the anniversary of Whitney's passing to allow the doctors to pull the plug. We all know it will only be for the publicity...
  6. Just make sure you locate the outlet in the right place. The electrical cord will be at the driver's side in the back and will only be so long. I put a 30 AMP service for my Class C but now the Class A requires 50 AMP. I'm still using the 30 AMP (with an adaptor) since nothing in the RV is really 220V anyway. But I won't be able to run both A/C's without upgrading it to 50 AMP, due to the total load. (It's always nice to carry a 50to30 AMP adapter with you in case you end up at a park overnight that only has 30 AMP service to that site). As long as I'm not running any of the A/C's, just TV
  7. Especially when that collar starts shocking her....
  8. Just make sure you read the ordinance, and are prepared to pay the fines and do as you wish.
  9. According to the county attorney, they can't remove members of the various county boards. I'm sure she'll say the same about the board of commissioners too. They can pretty much do whatever they want - no one is going to stop them until the next election.
  10. I remember people saying that David Austin was going to bring integrity back to the office after Jerry Shearin had tainted it so bad...
  11. http://www.paulding.gov/DocumentCenter/Home/View/123 "Fenced enclosure means an enclosure made of wire, wood, stone or other materials which is of sufficient height and strength to act as a barrier against the passage of the animal it is intended to enclose. An “invisible fence” is not an acceptable fenced enclosure for an animal." Violators of this chapter (Chapter 14: Animals) shall be punished through a system of fines as follows: • 1st violation resulting in a conviction or guilty plea or nolo contendere plea: $300.00 fine. • 2nd violation resulting in a conviction or guilty plea
  12. Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow. Then he said, "I would have run the ball"
  13. "I Had the Right to Remain Silent...But I Didn't Have the Ability"
  14. Pollen has been blowing around down here for a couple of weeks now...
  15. Is this the Superbowl Ring they gave to Brady?
  16. As far as what they'll do with Bergdahl, no one has a clue. All of the rules which we used to be governed by are out the window. The Obama administration will do whatever they want to do, and Congress won't lift a finger to call his hand on it.
  17. Apparently Obama got to them. The Pentagon is changing their mind. Pentagon insists no decision reached on Bergdahl case, despite desertion charge claim "The Pentagon insisted Wednesday that no decision has been made in the case of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, even as a former military intelligence officer stood by his claim that the Army is charging him with desertion."
  18. Someone had a link to Jay Towns wife's facebook page but I can't find it. From what I saw she was nice looking and he also had a daughter. I'm surprised they haven't said anything. The media usually tries to get comments from all the family. His father, mother and aunt have... From what the family of Bud and June have said, Bud would not have taken cash down there to buy the car. Perhaps that's what made Towns flip out when he couldn't get the money from them. Apparently he shot both of them in the head and then headed their car into a pond on his parent's property - only it didn't sink fa
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