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Everything posted by gog8tors

  1. I still say his point about the frontal lobe not being developed, and how kids can't be expected to make solid decisions, is a really great argument for repealing the 26th amendment. BUT..... wait that would mean the RIGHTS of 18yr old to vote would stop. And, what you have just posted, has been posted over and over again, and he as well as a couple of others still want to bash the officer.
  2. I asked my youngest if he wanted to be a politician once. (I was just joking around) He looked at me like I had gone nuts, and stated "No, I want an honest job." Even at 14, he was a very smart kid.
  3. Do you want the gluten free ones? I'll hand it over I promise..... Every time I see this I picture Teensy Walker from YaYa sisterhood.
  4. And looky here students can respectfully disagree without having the RO called in. I really do wish the "news" would stop with the color of the skin of the student, and the officer, as it doesn't have anything to do with the incident. http://www.11alive.com/story/news/2015/10/30/student-walkout-backs-fired-deputy-sc-school/74878490/
  5. Hey, might want to check your link. It went to the youtube home page.
  6. That's what really bothers me too. No respect for authority, no empathy for another human. This is the kind of mentally that certain groups of terrorist have. Scary isn't it?
  7. Maybe held back in 3rd, and 8th grade? That's the grades I think they try to get parents to hold the kids back if they are going to do so.
  8. But, but, he is poor, his frontal lobe hasn't developed, he is morning the death of the worm he saw that morning........ I guess the fact that he was arrested, and charged with assault is to harsh. By you posting this the teacher that this thread is about should have just let the girl go on disrupting the class.
  9. This is why the schools have ROs. https://www.facebook.com/jogi.butt.98/videos/1506515409670484/
  10. The family probley had the lawyer on speed dial, and he was called before they even knew what happened.
  11. I've been thinking on this. If your doing Halloween (for the un pc crowd) I'm making signs for you!!! They will say: If your not wearing a warning label, we are not responsible for your issues. Do not approach if you have the following allergens (each listed in alphabetical order) And for all you PC give excuses for everything under the sun people. Caution there are crazy people who live here.
  12. OH, stop. She had her chance to do the right thing, she CHOOSE not to. You don't want any kid to accept responsibility for their actions. And, that is the mentally that allows this type of thing to happen.
  13. You are the one who keeps harping on his size, so for you it is relevant. First she is a child when it suites your narrative, second if it weren't for the violent kids, and gun free zones as well as the teachers being stripped of any authority we wouldn't need RO in our schools. Again, as I know you didn't read my edit.
  14. Then you need to see the other videos. They have been linked to several times in this topic. But, the solutions are relevant to the point that you keep making about the gender and size of the officer. He asked her to get up and leave, she refused, he TOLD her that he would have to physically remove her is she didn't cooperate. She refused to get up, she stiffened her body so the desk flipped when he had no choice but to remove her physically. Do you have a better solution?
  15. Whatever dude. Your the type that everything is always your way. That in it's self is a type of abuse. Yep, had plenty of dealings with people like you. Also why they are out of my life. It's been fun playing with you, but alas I realize that I have derailed the topic at least for a moment. And, to the OP I do apologize.
  16. Wait is this an argument to raise the voting age, and repeal the 26th amendment?
  17. Well I saw that you had/have a restraining order placed on you, and I also see the alleged domestic abuse. So, you apparently do have an abusers mentality. Both physically, and mentally. I also that your place of work isn't in the link. There are also those that cry victim such as your self in every crowd.
  18. So, as long as you can drag your ex through the mud, and not involve your own name, thereby making sure she is forever marred by you, it's OK. Dude stop. You are obviously an abuser, maybe not physically but most certainly mentally. I'll bet your ex wife (common law is still a thing) is so much better off without you. I'll not click on any link, as that too would only give half the story. You offered her name and place of work. Why not do the same for yourself? Puuuulese with the victim crap. You are not the victim your children are. You can't remove the disturbance from the class room.
  19. Nope you freely offered her information, and not yours. I didn't have to clink a link, you offered her information freely. Why not do the same for your own? You know what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Or, is that not what your "fighting" for? Yes, you are THAT parent. If you weren't you wouldn't be putting your kids dirty laundry out for all to see. Again, thanks for playing. Yes, that is exactly what some would have done. No matter that she is trampling all over the RIGHTS of the other students. PS: the uppercase is for those who are always bitching about their r
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