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Everything posted by jet_man1969

  1. I am going to say there not crazy, They are PISSED (as we all are) But they are letting emotions cloud their judgment. See there, I stood up for the republican party
  2. I bought a refurbed macbook pro 3 years ago from apple and have had very few problems, I have had to replace the internal battery once, the cable that connects the battery to the mother board once and I have been through 2 mag safe chargers. I have purchased all the parts online relatively cheap.
  3. A MARINE FAST Team will be on the ground shortly
  4. Yeah, still waiting on the Hiram and south scores??? Hope they both pull off a win
  5. :wacko: Did I Miss something??? I dont see anyone talking trash about any team??
  6. 41-20 final for North :yahoo:
  7. North Paulding 35 New Manchester 14 end of 3rd quarter.
  8. East is up 28-0 over woodland, Second qtr. Thats the only score thats been updated here http://www.scoreatl.com/scoreboard/
  9. I haven't met a pcommer yet that I didn't like, and I have met a few
  10. Not just a Full Moon, But a Blue moon to boot! (thats 2 full moons in 1 calendar month)
  11. Millions more of tax money wasted to help people who dont have the common sense to not live below sea level right next to the coast. SMH
  12. The Marines lost their Military discipline and were punished for such, What is this thread all about anyway? Do some of you all think they should have been shot or something?
  13. Semper Fi! Marines take care of their own and I have no doubts the Sergeant Majors punishment was much worse than the NJP.
  14. It might be a blessing in disguise for LOCALLY owned business. we IMPORT way more than we EXPORT anyway.
  15. They all want to live and do business in the greatest country in the world protected by the best Military and yet they dont want to pay for it. Seems the dems are not the only ones who have people with the "entitlement mentality"
  16. I Started trapping last year and when you walk up on one in your trap they just lay down all submissive, Looks like you could reach out and pet them. Now a ALPHA MALE is a different story all together, they try to eat your face the entire time
  17. You would lose your bet. Black phase coyotes have a direct link to the "black wolfs" witnessed by early explorers up and down the east coast.
  18. You can hunt coyotes at night with artificial lights, Let those puppies shine! Thats a beautiful sight!
  19. wasnt me Thats my story and im sticking to it!
  20. You said what I was thinking, I am not one to tell someone how to raise their child though
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