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Everything posted by ram0265

  1. I even tried driving around the shopping centers close to the ATM but I couldn't spot her. People work to hard for thier money to not have it when they need it.
  2. If you know an older lady in a white box style van, have her check her wallet. Person in front of me left thier debit card in the machine. It was a first bank of north ga card...I didn't know where any of those were located so I took the card to the dallas police office. So its there if you know anyone looking for it!
  3. FYI for publix you have to apply in store at thier computer. They do not do online applications.
  4. My wreck was at the intersection too. I was going straight...the guy making a turn at the intersection thought he still had his arrow..he didn't. People run those turning arrows every morning. There is so much traffic at that intersection that everyone tries to squeeze just one more through before it goes red.
  5. I agree about being comfortable with who you use. Atleast in this county youve got plenty of choices. If your comfortable with the doc, it just means you go when you need to instead of putting it off or skipping it all together. Hope the kitty is back to normal.
  6. We use New GA. I even worked for them for a short period. Both Dr Bailey and Dr Lugar are good. Dr Lugar is old school and can seem gruff but is a good doctor. I did xrays and a FIV test on one of my cats before and it was 80 bucks. A brief exam fee is 20 bucks. Did you OK the work before hand? Even when I worked there I never saw them do anywork without asking the owners first. Even if it meant waiting almost all day because the owner took so long to call back. I could be wrong(always a chance of that) I just don't see any vet doing anything work on an animal that is that invasive
  7. Some shelters won't even adopt out puppies during the summer because of parvo. It really does hit shelters frequently. Those disinfectant tubs that you put your feet in and the hand sanitizers are supposed to help. I had a coworker who brought parvo home from where she worked at a vet. When I worked at that vet we had an entire litter come in and then the neighbors started showing up with thier puppies becuase they had been in the yard. It hits fast and it hits hard.
  8. lol Thanks. I haven't had any good stories lately.
  9. Atleast they caught it. Its heart breaking to adopt a puppy, get attached then have to get it put down becuase you don't have the money for the treatment.
  10. I originally started this thread for car stories. Stories where you see someone do something and you wonder where is a cop when you need one. Then you go around the bend and bam! They are on the side of the road with blue lights behind them. I had a stressful driving weekend, lol. But at this point any story where karma comes and gets someone would make me be a little less stressed. So..its story time.. have at it!
  11. Your right about the owners...any owner who has a large breed dog or dog that looks to be an aggressive breed takes steps to make sure they are controled, or that they don't appear mean. If they care at all, I hate that I have to be super aware of my actions and my dogs because a bunch of idiots don't want to take basic steps. I own a pit and have worked with many others petsitting. All the dogs that have been agressive with me or have bitten me are dogs that are not usually portrayed that way. One of the scariest agressive dogs I had to take care of was an aussie shepard. Luckly..85 perce
  12. A few summers ago the ones that passed in front of our house on ridge just skateboarded down the yellow line. Funny...I made a post on here about it and they were never seen again. The power of p.com?
  13. It does...the only thing I'm worried about is push ups. I never made it past the ones you do with your knees.
  14. I thought a year ago or so a member on here mentioned they were doing the agility test and orientation for Cobb County animal control...anyone have any info? Mainly looking into what the physical and agility test consists of..thanks!
  15. We always thought they burned it for insurance. Rumours Rumours Rumours. We always wondered why they did plan landscaping in there. The front yard was a mud pit from day one. That and we felt bad for them...they didn't built nearly far enough away from the road in my opinion. If Ridge is ever expanded like is it supposed to be they would have been screwed.
  16. Vote the way you want to vote...please just don't vote no ONLY because of the whole new trails thing. Or the fact that you see it as a tax. Your going to have to spend the money...wouldn't you rather the tax on that go straight back to your own county? If you go into any of the surrounding counties and spend money you are funding thier SPLOST and thier improvements. Edited to add: Odds are with the housing market if you live in Paulding, your going to be here awhile. Don't you want improvements to be made to make the county better?
  17. 100 a year isn't going to do much. Remember the stimulus money? Wasn't an average of 100-200 per person/household? How many actually purchased something with that...I think the thread we had on the subject showed people using it on debt and what not. I just don't see 100 dollars for a year doing much to help the economy...especially if other taxes have to go up to take place of the SPLOST funding.
  18. I don't think we do. I agree about not needing more trails...I'm just more concerned about the larger impact. Ok vote no...so no walking trails. Well what about any equipment that is needed for the upkeep of things already built. I don't want things half built/cleared/expanded because funding is no longer there. 911 was going to be getting new equipment that would let them be mobile, be able to track cell phones, and result in not having to buy new equipment down the road. All they would have to do is update the software. All that would be done with SPLOST. I guess the way I see it is the bene
  19. We are only renewing the tax...if you haven't noticed it now I doubt you will in the future. The SPLOST provides for so many other things.....To me saying to vote no becuase you don't want the tax to go to new walking trails is like throwing away an entire chicken because you don't like dark meat. In a county with no industry I don't see how we can get any county services without SPLOST.
  20. I think that to many changes are happening for factual accounts to come out. Its hard when the AC can't get on here and lay down what is going on up there. While I keep seeing negative topics, I'm trying to still think this could be a positive thing.
  21. We had a tree in our courtyard that we ate under for 3 years....our senior year it was found dug up and planted in the football field that was only 2 years old. I think those boys sent the rest of the week hiding from the football coach.
  22. We've had a kid pull into our driveway, stash illegal stuff around our porch and then try and walk in like he lived there becuase he thought he was getting pulled over by a cop. Its a good thing the door he tried doesn't work. The best part was when we asked what the hell he was doing he said "bad things"...then grabbed his stuff and drove off. We also get people wandering our yard at 1am looking for gas cans. I don't know what about our house screams to come mess with it.
  23. ram0265


    Not with this medication but my SO has gone through large increases in her meds. Sometimes you have to step it up slowly yourself. It took longer then two weeks to get over the sleeyness. Do you have to take it two times a day? Can you try taking it only before bed...or maybe a few hours before bedtime. My girl came home and slept or stared a hole into the wall until the dosage evened out. She is on around 150mg of her meds though.
  24. Gotcha...I was trying to do a quick google based on a text my friend sent. Slightly off topic question..and I hope it hasn't been adressed to much in the other thread.. I know she is legally an adult but if she gets deported where would she go? Do they just send them to thier "home" country..regardless if there is family or a place waiting for them?
  25. I read another story on this last week. I think she was pulled over by campus police while driving and gave false information. She has been living here since she was 10. I believe she had one semester to go when they found out she wasn't legal. They were going to let her finnish that last semester until they found out she gave false information to the police(it was false address I think). If she has that little left to go it would be nice if she could finnish it...I know if that happens it could be used as an excuse for anyone though.
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