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Coppertop's Pop

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Everything posted by Coppertop's Pop

  1. (I take it that you weren't too happy about the outcome of the national election.) Many folks on this Board see nothing but doom and gloom for America because of the outcome of the election. I have to disagree. Sure, America has many problems, social issues, economic issues, etc, but I feel like America's strength is it's diversity. Your biggest voice is your vote. You voted for the one who shares your ideals, yet the majority of voters decided a different candidate would decide the direction this country is headed. You have to accept that. Many times my guy won and I was happy, many times
  2. Can you post a picture..? I'm having a difficult time trying to figure out what they look like?
  3. http://news.yahoo.com/stock-futures-dip-intel-offsets-china-data-earnings-122902304--sector.html If the economy is so bad, then why is the Stock Market at a 5 year high? Does the President deserve any credit for getting us back on track? or is the bubble about to burst sending the world markets into a financial depression? Should folks here in Paulding start hoarding food, gold, guns and booze? your thoughts...?
  4. Most folks could care less about Jodie Foster or any other gay person out there. What two adults do in their own home is no one's business, however many gays are "in your face" flaunting their lifestyle choice. Yes, I said CHOICE. It's a choice of whom to lie down with and its a choice of whom not to lie down with. In my view, homosexuality is a filthy disgusting lifestyle choice, just as visiting a prostitute is a filthy disgusting lifestyle choice. You have a choice and as for me and My house, we choose not to accept that lifestyle.
  5. The withholding tax went up by 2%, so your paycheck went down by approximately 2%. Apparently the politicians in Washington DC need that extra 2% more than you or I.
  6. My nephew is in the Army in Afghanistan and I wanted to send him and some of his buddies some decent cigars. I don't smoke, so I have no clue what's considered rot-gut awful and what's the better stuff. You can't always go by the price... I'll be sending him a box of cigars, beef jerky and a couple of other things, but what's a pretty good box of cigars cost? Is $75 bucks about right for a good box or what? Thanks again, CRB
  7. Looking good Doug...can't wait for the house warming party. Keep us posted . "Rhett"
  8. I suspect many business owners will lay off their W-2 employees and rehire 1099 independent contractors to avoid the additional penalties. A good attorney can always find a loophole...
  9. I have a friend who lives in a shack and has old beat up automobiles and looks like he's in the poor house, yet he has thousands of dollars worth of rifles, shotguns, pistols, muzzle load guns, etc. He's basically a gun nut. I'm not a fan of disarming the citizens, but do citizens really need AK-47's and .50 caliber assault rifles? Wouldn't a shotgun or pistol be just as good at stopping a home invasion or burglary in progress?
  10. We've used Ragsdale and have been satisfied. I also use an electric blanket for my wife's side of the bed, she stays cold all the time
  11. My nephew is in the army and I'd like to buy him a handgun for a Christmas gift.... He's specifically asked for a Glock17 Gen4 w/ Flat Dark Earth receiver or a Springfield 1911 Loaded, w/ night sights and parkerized finish. Naturally, I have no clue how much these cost as I haven't bought a new handgun in many years. I prefer an old fashioned .357 revolver, but the younger generation wants to be different. Anyways, Where is the best place to buy the above-mentioned handgun and how much do they generally cost? Thanks. CRB
  12. why not ask whoever is in charge of ordering pizza to order at least one cheese pizza?
  13. It's better to own a gun and never have to use it, than to need one and not have it handy. (Whether it's for shooting burglars, snakes, wild dogs, etc.) When I was a little child, we would line up empty coke cans or bottles and shoot them off a log. A box of .22 rifle ammo is super cheap to learn how to shoot and I think every child should be taught about the right way to handle guns, as well as the wrong way. I was about 7 when I first shot a gun. My brother used to be a cab driver and he shot a man years ago. The grand jury agreed it was justified. If my brother hadn't had the gun,
  14. Whatcha think about the video game Grand Theft Auto? Wow. It's totally action packed and rated M for a reason, but I couldn't get enough of it. What's your favorite video games?
  15. Big business forgot who made them profitable, but they'll get an education when worker productivity and customer service hits rock bottom. I think one reason Mitt Romney got beat was the unions supported Obama.
  16. We live very close to there. We're convenient to many fast food places, grocery stores, dollar stores, churches, etc. For the most part, it's been real quiet around here. I hope you like it here. I'm getting ready to go to the parade. My smokin' hot wife will be on a float with about 10 teenaged girls all decked out in red & green. C'mon out to downtown Dallas and enjoy the parade.
  17. I heard about this and wondered if there were any updates. A man supposedly killed his wife and then shot himself.... I've surfed the local news but didn't see anything. This time of year is so depressing for a lot of families, money is tight and times are hard, but suicide is not the answer... I had an uncle kill himself in 2011 and it is a tragedy that has really hurt the entire family.
  18. My wife and her friends have been working on the float and have bought plenty of candy and are all giddy about the parade today. Come on out to downtown Dallas today and join the fun. Get there early and be sure to bring the kids & grandkids. It'll be a beautiful day for sure!
  19. I have Travelers & GEICO. I like the fact that they'll take monthly payments rather than demanding premiums be paid 6 months or a year at a time. Also, when we've had claims, they were very fast. I used to have State Farm, but those guys just irk me.
  20. What's up with Michael Turner? He's been stopped for no gain quite a lot. I was hoping he'd gain over a thousand yards this year, but it ain't looking too good right now.
  21. My son is a college student and would love to buy Morgan Dollars. His favorite Morgan Dollar coins have a Carson City mint mark, but he'll consider all of them. Some of the coins are worth less than $25.00 depending on the condition, while others can be worth several hundred dollars. Also, if you have any of the three-cent nickel's from the 1860's, we'd be interested in those as well. If you want to get rid of these, please PM me/ Thnaks CRB.
  22. The outsiders will fan the flames and they'll be fighting again soon.
  23. The corporate insiders stole this company blind. You can't possibly blame this all on the unions. I'm sure there will be investors galore bidding on the assets of this company. Twinkies will survive!
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