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Coppertop's Pop

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Everything posted by Coppertop's Pop

  1. We were at Stone Mountain Park for the laser show last evening and this muslim couple went by. The muslim woman was covered from head to toe, no big deal I suppose. Anyways, she was carrying a backpack and yes, it made me nervous. Now go ahead and call me bigoted and racist and all that politically correct nonsense, but in this day and age, when a muslim carries a backpack, it would be wise to pay special attention to detail. especially after the Boston marathon bombing that killed and maimed many people.
  2. Ahhh the wonderful peace loving muslims are threatening jihad again... Jimmy Carter should have nuked Tehran back in 1980 and we wouldn't be having the problems we're having today...
  3. I lost a dear family member to a drunk driver. My wife and I don't drink.
  4. I have some kin folks in Hartford & Geneva, very close to the Florida line.... they farm peanuts down there.... Lower Alabama has to be the hottest place East of The Mississippi!
  5. YES, we should treat public executions as entertainment........ Why not even sell tickets with the proceeds going to the victim's family?. We should treat it like a title boxing match where fat cats with deep pockets pay top dollar for a front row seat. Why not have it in a packed stadium where the guilty is punished right out in front of thousands of people and have it televised on every station... We should absolutely party like a rockstar each time a murderer is hung. We should clean out death row with fifty hangings a day till they're all gone...then head down to Guantanamo and clea
  6. The death penalty does not deter crime. It takes 25 years to actually put someone convicted of murder to sleep with a little needle prick. During that time, the lawyers make a fortune off you & me. Why not hang them in the public square? Or give them the same kind of death they gave their victim? If a killer drowns their victim, they too should be drowned. If they shot somebody, they too should be shot....stabbed, thrown off an overpass? etc etc. The entire proceeding should be televised into every household, every school, every place in America. Then we'd see a drop in violent crime. Mo
  7. In today's workforce, more and more jobs are being filled by temporary or even part-time workers. That way, the employer can avoid having to worry about employee benefits, healthcare, retirement, etc. It's definitely tough right now for a lot of families.
  8. My stock advisor has basically told me to turn a large percentage of my assets into cash / money markets and re-evaluate in a few months. I'm wondering if anyone else has gotten similar advice lately?
  9. You mentioned you have a first degree...what's your background? Perhaps someone on this board knows someone who needs a new employee. We advertised recently for one part time position and had over 400 qualified applicants to sift through...There's no way really for an employer to narrow it down, it's pretty much a dartboard, so it's best to know someone on the inside to at least get a face to face interview.
  10. Al Sharpton needs to be sued as well. He's slandering an innocent man. Oh the Humanity!
  11. Here's Al Shrpton's response "The acquittal of George Zimmerman is a slap in the face to the American people but it is only the first round in the pursuit of justice. We intend to ask the Department of Justice to move forward as they did in the Rodney King case and we will closely monitor the civil case against Mr. Zimmerman." He continued: “I will convene an emergency call with preachers tonight to discuss next steps and I intend to head to Florida in the next few days.” http://www.inquisitr.com/847202/al-sharpton-trayvon-martin-verdict-a-slap-in-the-face/
  12. The lawyers always hit the jackpot (and folks like us foot the bill)
  13. I am glad Zimmerman was found NOT GUILTY by the jury. AL Sharpton & Jesse Jackson will continue to push for a civil rights investigation and Eric Holder will send his G-men down to Florida to investigate. It'll drag on for a year and then Obama will stoke up the black folks, especially near the mid-term elections. ... This whole thing is purely political. Al & Jesse don't care about a black kid getting shot, all they want is publicity... stir up a hornets nest and then be there to somehow cash in. If they care so much, then why is their own hometown the most violent in America? If
  14. when the State threw child abuse in there, I knew he'd walk! Makes my day!
  15. WOOOOHOOOO!!!! YAYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. There are many folks right here in Paulding struggling to make ends meet. What kind of work do you do and do you have anything keeping you from working (criminal history, physical disability, etc?) The reason I'm asking is there was a lady who owns a cleaning service here in Dallas that was looking for help and I also saw where an old folks home was needing some kitchen help too. Heck, delivering pizza might be an option if you've got a car. It may not be the best, but it might be a temporary fix until things improve and you can find a better job. The Chamber of Commerce has a website with
  17. http://www.neighbornewspapers.com/view/full_story/23090381/article-County-takes-bids-on-new-park--amphitheater?instance=paulding Features are to include an amphitheater with lawn area that could hold between 2,000 and 2,500 people; a pavilion built in the likeness of the government complex, with a grass area for about 500 people; an active area with a fitness station and a rubberized, half-mile track, which will run along the perimeter of the park. Picnic tables, wi-fi and charging stations for electronics will be provided. A decorative fence will prevent children from wandering onto U
  18. My son called me and said the Flag/Federated Auto Parts Store has been vandalized. This store is on Business 6 (Merchants Dr / Atlanta Hwy) between New Canaan Baptist Church and the junky, ragged out, foreigner owned, crappy, eyesore of a used car lot. The front plate glass window had been broken out and The police dept was at the scene when my son drove by. I live close to there and the area seems to be going downhill rather quickly.
  19. Illegal immigrants are here to stay...laws on the books currently have more bark than bite. I don't like it, but our government won't do much to protect the American workers. Why not change the tax code to where ALL purchases pay sales tax and do away with the income tax? Folks gripe because mexicans don't pay taxes, yet they use our hospitals and schools. The Fairtax would fix that and many folks would probably be less hostile to illegal immigrants if the illegals were paying their share.
  20. Sounds great. We sent him a couple boxes of cigars for him and his Army buddies... Fuente something. Anyways, thanks again for the kind words. I'm happy happy happy!
  21. My sister got a message that my nephew made it out of Afghanistan and he's in some eastern European place Kajxistan or something like that. Thanks for all the prayers and kind words of support for him and his army buddies safe return. I'm so happy right now I could just shout from the rooftop. :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: When you see a soldier, why not buy their lunch or offer a few kind words?.... These guys (and gals) have EARNED our respect.
  22. I've had more co-workers who were jerks than bosses who were jerks. But in the end, you do what the boss says or get another job.
  23. just wondering if anyone else went to Dixie Speedway last night for the racing and fireworks.... When Jenkins & Page got into their little fracas, the fans went crazy. It was AWESOME to see southern sportsmen on their best behavior...
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