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Everything posted by OldGoat99

  1. That overall sucks and I would try to get them to reduce the bill if possible and show them the paperwork you have. Worst case you get stuck with the bill, crappy company your hubby works for too. I come from where your word is just as good as a gold. That kind of integrity has gone by the way side more and more and cash talks the loudest now. Good luck
  2. She made out like crazy..... Sorry, she did not earn all that money she got. He might have had his issues, but he also earned most of it. Does she deserver to live very very comfortable ..Yes, but then again he paid for her to be silenced too. I can almost bet this will get ugly one day and she might loose it all if you talks...
  3. Being in the military is not a democratic society ... They were given a choice, They picked the one they wanted. I was not given lots of choices lots of times and then when I was in charge of large groups of troops, I gave few choices to those that worked for me. We had a job to do and a mission to accomplish. M-S 7days a week, 24/7/365 The military is NOT a democratic society. Give me a break. Geeze
  4. I also saw some polls that show Bush had even lower rating in his over all Presidency then some of our worsted Presidents. Isn't Bush the one that ran most of the presidency from his ranch in Texas?
  5. Well I made the top 10 cut and will hear back by next Friday for the second cut. But I did make the call back cut for a Senior Admin slot that they might be hiring for. It was a long interview too 1 1/2hr long... I make a good impression on the guy and I think he is keeping me in the running. Sounds like a interesting job too. Fingers crossed and I just might get the second call back.
  6. I just am really nervous to jump for a crappy job that most likely will not be here in 6 months to an unknown.... But it could be what I really need in a solid job with some new experience and security.... Well off to bed I will keep everyone posted and thanks for the well wishes... Night all
  7. Just a FYI to those that are still looking, I have an interview tomorrow. Nervous and worried and a bunch of other things. Well I hope I get it and move on from the place I am at. I will keep you all posted..
  8. I get to go soon...... a full week at that too,,,,, can't wait..
  9. 1997 to 2010 is more like 14 years... 7.55 -5.85 =$1.70 22% increase in 4 years 5.5% a year increase
  10. Plastic wrap the entrance closed.... Lock them in and let them starve... Easier and less likely to damage the tree and kill the tree and will lock the little guys up tight. I think it is worth a shot. Think a little out side the box with that one... huh Oh and put a flew wraps around the tree and entrance....
  11. I hate gift cards and think they are nothing more then a game it is easy to lose with. I use then as fast as I can when I get them. I HATE GIFT CARDS....
  12. I have to agree the Challenger is a serious car to compare to the Camero..... I will have to think about that.. but I am 90% and sold on the Camero. It is still March to May 2011 before they come out with the convertible and then I hope the price is affordable...
  13. Had one done for a few years... paid it off 6 months early. 2002 Hyndia Santa Fe with about 120K The second one is about 6months out from being paid off 65K New car is about 8 months from being put in the garage.........LOL 0K I want a new 2011 Copper /Orange convertible Camero.... Still accepting donations...
  14. I have to say that I doubt that most of these folks really want these places. When you have nothing you go for anything that you can get. I will agree that a lot of folks live off the free and don't want to work, but there are a great number that do want to work and if someone offered them a half way decent job that they could do, I tend to think most would take it. When you have nothing, or next to nothing and live at the level of life that some people live you take everything you can get. Welfare and most other free things are not so free any more. Lets not forget the job market is
  15. I use the yellow park and fly next to the gas station and Mcdonalds on the right. I have never had an issue and you get the 7th day free. They are faster then the others for turn around time and wait and they do have covered parking if you want. The parking spot gives you the guided tour if you are not in covered parking. And the really large place on the right gives you the whole parking lot tour on the way out and back in. I have used most of the ones from 285 and the one by Mcdonalds is the better of them all. Park and go http://www.pnf.com/atlanta/parkngo/default.htm
  16. I think this guy was just at the point of being tired of taking crap from the 1% of pain in the arse passengers. I get that way at times with my users (once in a blue moon) and I am sure 98% of the other few billion or so folks in this country do so too. He just did something I would love to do if given the opportunity. Now the other 20% don't agree and they can disagree, but I think I will be with the 80% most of the time. He left with a bang and you know what, why not.... most jobs are not worth the pay or aggravation that we put up with. To the PO... I in no way could put up w
  17. Dang out law smoking everywhere..... the smoke from a house down the block and 3 miles away might offend someone. Give me a break...
  18. Yup sig says it all cause the few other that have similar are just as bad. ......Sig is signed Just Being An Arse on the over all statement in the sig. (I think my sig and the other two on this site should be removed personally) Why we can tax alcohol and cigs which are just as bad , but not tax something that costs billions of dollars... I gather you will have to pay the higher tax then... Huh Huh Forgot to add that Rebooblicans are more of the tax and spend IMO then Democraps. I support the other party.... the ones that think for them self.... Independents. (We
  19. Now come on... if this was a raise the alcohol tax or smokers tax you all would be all for it...
  20. Found this and it is showing that being over weight is costing the state a lot of money. We need to tax bad foods just like smokers and drinkers. We can then use the money to fund health programs with this new found money. A new federal report says more than 72 million Americans were obese in 2009 -- a 2.4 million increase in just two years. That excess poundage adds an estimated $147 billion to U.S. health care costs each year. BAD food We need to add special taxes to all this bad food. If we tax it enough we can curb the use of it. It (higher taxes) is working to get s
  21. Ditto....... Makes kids and some adults think a bit....
  22. I applaud your efforts to get a more unbiased opinion on whom to vote for. I usually visit the local news sites ( I think they still try to find the middle ground for the most part) and then the candiate sites, I leave opinion sites off the radar since they have an agenda to push. Good luck.
  23. I say leave it off the cafe since it always gets out of hand.
  24. They do say criminals are not the brightest and this one was pretty dumb and paid the ultimate price.
  25. Well at least they did not cheat to get there like other counties. But a 4 day school week will surely improve things I am sure if that is the direction of the school system. But they did schedule an extra week in the school year for vacations, that will help things. ---- Just a bit frustrated with the school system an the kids that are coming out of the system. College or trade school should be offered and if you fail to pass, you pay for the training you got, if you pass it is free. Testing is done by outside the school teachers and or an outside government department.
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