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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. Its simple - until the Unions and their members show respect for their employers, there will continue to be problems.
  2. We went there one time. The burgers were OK if you like them dipped in BBQ sauce, but nothing to write home about.
  3. This topic brings up the question - What causes arthritis? Here's one possible answer: A man who smelled like a distillery flopped on a subway seat next to a priest. The man's tie was stained, his face was plastered with red lipstick, and a half empty bottle of gin was sticking out of his torn coat pocket. He opened his newspaper and began reading. After a few minutes, the disheveled guy turned to the priest and asked, "Say, father, what causes arthritis?" "Mister, it's caused by loose living, being with cheap, wicked women, too much alcohol and a contempt for your fellow man." "
  4. If you have Dish Network, it's on channel 212.
  5. I don't think folks at accident scenes realize how many people are blinded by the lights when they come upon a scene. This includes police officers. I've come up on more than one scene where headlights and police strobe lights are being shined into the eyes of oncoming drivers. Someone standing in the shadows just can't easily be seen. Especially if they are wearing dark clothes. My question to the OP is what were you doing to ensure you were being seen?
  6. They're cutting out 20 days from the year. I can see both sides of the 4 hour day. On one hand, how much more education will they get from the extra 2 1/2 hours? On the other hand, limiting it to 4 hours make it almost impossible for a parent to hold down even a part time job without making other arrangements for their child.
  7. True, but with BCC, it would only see the one address.
  8. The sign is giving folks a chance to correct their behavior before they get penalized. Hopefully most will stop, and the rest will wish they had.
  9. I don't have an answer on the email addresses - but did want to mention this in case you hadn't thought of it: Make sure you send to 'BCC:' rather than TO: or CC: Do this is for 3 reasons. First, as a privacy thing, it hides everyone else's email address that you're sending to. Second, some email systems consider email with over a certain number of To:'s go be spam and block them. Third, it prevents someone from hitting 'reply all' and unwittingly including everyone in a personal conversation.
  10. Retirement plans are one of the things pushing a lot of companies into bankruptcy. Example - Plans were made and money invested by companies into retirement plans assuming an average 70 year life expectancy. With people living a lot longer now, it's stretching a lot of plans to their limit.
  11. Maybe they need to put a sales tax on web-site membership fees!
  12. I don't have more details - but it was a smart move. If they had gone on strike for a few weeks, how many years would have taken to make back the income they lost?
  13. There was a reason reporters needed editors . . . Look at what's happening in Great Britain, and tell they won't try to institute shariah law here within the next 20 years.
  14. I'm not talking about holidays. Years ago, I came home from work, found out I needed to fix something at home, and made the drive to Ace to get a part. They were closed, so I was forced to go to the big box store. After the second time this happened, I just stopped trying go to to Ace. The point I've been trying to make - by having shorter hours, they're driving potential customers to the competition. This applies to other small stores - if you aren't open when someone wants to shop, but the completion is, don't expect those customers to come back at a time more convenient for you. A
  15. Many Christian groups speak out about the violence at aboortzion clinics. Where are the Muslim groups speaking out against radicals in their religion?
  16. You're trying to convince us there are no followers of islam that want to bring the United States under Shirah law? You're also trying to limit the definition of the word call? Have you never heard of "A call to arms"?
  17. Followers of the same religion who took down the World Trade Center . . .
  18. What do you mean by attitude? If I can't get there until after they're closed, what should I do? What should I do - wait all week until Saturday and hope they have what's needed? I'm glad they're reopening, and I hope they come up with a formula to be able to stay in business, but they can't blame the big box stores for causing them problems when they weren't open when folks need things.
  19. Don't bother going until AFTER the termination date on that note. They can't do anything until after that and you'll just be wasting your time and gas. Tuesday or Wednesday might be a little less crowded than Monday and you'll still get the benefits. Be prepared - if you worked for only 3 or 4 weeks, you may not get to collect anything. Where did you work before that?
  20. It's the authentic site (the one with the 'h') that is calling for Shariah Law. As far as whether this is an isolated person putting up a personal web site, or someone with a large following, we need to look at who the person is. Shariah 4 America is run by Anjem Choudary. You can google him to find out more, but here is his web site: http://www.anjemchoudary.com/ The question stands - Where are mainstream islamist groups speaking against this?
  21. How do you get that from the call to demolish Lady Liberty? The last paragraph reads: Post demolition, it is recommended that a minaret be built as a fitting replacement, allowing the glorification of God to be proclaimed daily as well as act as a powerful reminder of the superiority of Islam over all other ways of life.
  22. If the movie is true to the book why wouldn't the progressives dislike the movie? It would be exposing the problems of punishing the successful, redistributing wealth, etc, which are among their goals.
  23. There have been recent studies showing LEDs contain toxic chemicals just like CFLs. Different chemicals, but still toxic.
  24. I read that there are supposed to be 3 parts, each released 1 year apart on April 15th.
  25. Only because it doesn't fit the NY Times' agenda. Jerry Falwell makes a comment about TeleTubbies, it's taken out of context, distorted and splashed all over the front pages across the country. Radical islamists want to cover/destroy the Statue of Liberty and the liberal progressive press pretends they don't exist.
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