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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. Don't forget that many dealers are known telling you need repairs that aren't necessary. Another thing to consider is when was the last time you had it into your mechanic, and were you there for a specific repair? Did you ask for or did he promise a full inspection? If it didn't involve an inspection, he wasn't looking for other problems.
  2. IIRC, you are paid 'fair market value' for the property.
  3. I wonder what his response would be if we replaced the word 'work' with 'employment' or 'earn a paycheck'? LisaC's comment would read:
  4. Apparently Obamacare put a lot of restrictions on what FSAs can be used for: Big Changes Coming To Your Medical FSA
  5. FYI - Westridge is not doing it's trunk-or-treat at the church like the past two years. Instead, they're working through members to put a 'trunk' (or whatever would be appropriate) with as many of the school fall festivals as they can.
  6. The result of too many otherwise intelligent people buying into the lie that man is the primary cause of the temperatures (possibly) slightly rising. Just wait until the EPA comes down on all the CO2 created by raising chickens.
  7. Technically, they reduce their prices when they are nearly empty, and don't reduce them when there is a lot of demand. It's called the law of supply and demand. One of the cornerstones of capitalism.
  8. markdavd


    If you missed the first 5 minutes of the first episode, you missed a lot!
  9. I was going by the OP's story. I haven't been in a position to watch the video. The point is, the husband brought this on himself by not obeying the laws of the road and by arguing with the officer.
  10. Telling the caller that it was a sub may not be them making an excuse, but rather telling you it's was a driver who was unfamiliar with that route or road. Hopefully it also doesn't mean they aren't making a note of the call and informing the driver in question of the problems. Picking up kids out of order is one thing, but there is no excuse for running the stop sign. As far as a sub running late - it may not be their fault. It could be because the regular bus broke down and they had to get a last minute replacement or the regular driver didn't know they couldn't make the run until
  11. The question is, did they think the chest pains were cardiac related, or due to the cancer or related treatments? If this was not a life and death situation, I have no problem with the husband not calling an ambulance. Sometimes it's faster to just get in the car and drive rather than waiting on a ambulance to arrive, waiting for the patient to be assessed, then 'packaged' for transport then driven to the hospital. His problem was by not following the laws of the road, he drew attention to himself and delayed the arrival time by a lot longer than the time he thought he was saving by
  12. Joe was the the main fugitive in the first book and will be so in the movie.
  13. I've listened to many of the books on audiobook. Most of the characters are read with heavy accents, mostly New Joisey, but Ranger with a Cuban accent. When I watched the trailers, it was harder getting around the lack of accents than anything else.
  14. In other parts of the country, it is very common, and in fact expected, for the local officials to set the official date and hours for trick-or-treating. This way, everyone knows when to expect the kids and there is an official cut off time. (In fact, I remember one year growing up that it was set for a Saturday afternoon.) In general, that doesn't happen here, which means (in theory) the trick-or-treaters can start whenever they want on the 31st and can ring doorbells up until midnight. The problem is that those who did not grow up in an area that had the official time set cannot understa
  15. The$5.00 fees are put in place are being put in place because BY LAW the fees the banks can charge are being greatly reduced.
  16. Thank You! I' hope to see everyone there! Make sure you introduce yourselves when you see me! <----- That guy
  17. Make sure y'all take a few minutes and stop by Hope Church's Craft Show tomorrow (Saturday, Oct 15) From 9:00 to 4:00. More details here: http://paulding.com/forum/index.php/topic/278285-craft-show/page__view__findpost__p__3536665
  18. Why are you cutting your grass yourself? You should be paying someone else to do it so they can pay their share of taxes and spend the rest helping keep other business open. By not paying someone to cut your grass, you're contributing to the problem in the same way closing an under performing store is.
  19. If those stores were profitable, they wouldn't be closing them.
  20. markdavd


    Last night's episode was a little too predictable.
  21. The first question should have a 'it varies depending on a number of factors' answer.
  22. I'm sorry. I didn't intend to offend anyone. You did see I used the word 'mostly' and not 'all' didn't you?
  23. Great! One of the newer items I'll have there are my handmade gift card holders. I have almost 90 different designs. Here are some of them:
  24. I've known skinny folks who could eat anything and everything they wanted and not gain weight. I've known 'fluffy' folks who eat almost nothing and fight to keep the weight off. That said, it's mostly choice. Sometimes it's a conscience choice and sometimes it's not.
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