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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. Not unusual. IIRC, my daughter was posting stuff until she was in full/active labor. Why? There wasn't a whole lot to do between contractions except wait for the next one.
  2. If most of the property in question is not residential, they should have been working to get it rezoned. If it's commercial, it's up for grabs with few restrictions.
  3. I believe the notice in the paper is all the law requires. In fact, unless you're talking about a zoning changes most states simply require a legal notice to be placed the 'newspaper of record' for the community. In Paulding County, that paper is the Dallas New Era.
  4. The OP usually responds to posts on his topics with more nonsense, and he has shown himself uncapable of participating in a reasonable debate. It is just a waste of time replying to anything he writes. I was going to post the facebook picture Travyon Martin posted of himself, but decided that too would be a waste of time.
  5. Anyone feeling better about the economy is doing so because they're anticipating next Jan. when the Failure-In-Chief will be replaced.
  6. Many on the list of financial supporters tell me not to trust anything from the organization itself. Anyone who doesn't see the convicted felon's name a list of doners as a red flag is telling also.
  7. Thank you for making my point about this organization not really being about 'integrity.'
  8. All I see is another Soros funded organization trying to make headlines for themselves. Why would any organization who claims to be based on integrity accept anything from a convicted felon who nearly single-highhandedly brought down the currency of a nation? They came up with the standards and they made the judgements based on those standards. The problem is, I find no details about what those standards are.
  9. The only way to know for sure is to move the modem away from the monitor and see what happens. I remember a series of article years ago written by someone who understood EMI. They were full of stories where he would be called in to 'fix' something like a monitor that was wavy. He moved the person's fan away from the monitor and it fixed the problem, except the person demanded the fan be left where it was and the monitor be fixed another way.
  10. Sounds like a good idea. Even better would be for someone to get together a group of investors and do the thing privately to keep the county out of the campground business.
  11. It's the same with Pubby's topic 'Guilty or innocent - Your opinion counts ' topic where he argues with anyone who's opinion he doesn't agree with.
  12. Does anyone else hope it came from a cabinet level official?
  13. It won't matter how many overacheivers, unless how they report progress changes, a small group of a single demographic can still bring the whole school down. BTW - does anyone else remember the weekly problems they had before Segars was brought in to restore dicipline - there were reports of large fights all the time. I wonder how Fincher is going to keep it from restarting.
  14. I didn't see what they base this on. If they're using the old NCLB scores, a single under-performing demographic that makes up a fraction of the school population can bring the entire school down.
  15. Exactly, because the landlord wouldn't want to be paid rent, employees would not expect pay checks, suppliers would give them whatever they required, the government wouldn't demand taxes. . .
  16. Most 'respected' global warming models have been proven to be debunked. It sounds like these guys are trying to reinvent the laws of physics.
  17. Could it be that - no matter how unlikely - he were to profit in any way from his story, she wants to make sure she has a way to lay claim to it?
  18. Actually, that was a reference to the folks who believe that when they voted against PAYING for an airport, they voted against ever having one put in the county. As it stands the FAA, who paid for the airport, will never allow it to be used as a race track.
  19. First we need to vote on paying for a race track. If it gets voted down, that means nobody is ever allowed to build a racetrack in the county, even with outside funds.
  20. Of course. Can you prove otherwise?
  21. Especially the ones who repeat everything the speaker is saying.
  22. That information was put together by the people tasked with keeping the bunker secret.
  23. Unfortunately it's that way with any halfway decent show that you can watch back-to-back-to-back without commercial interruption.
  24. What if he thought they were talking big with no real intention of following through?
  25. First, comparing LEOs with reporters is an insult to all LEOs. No comparison whatsoever. As a reporter, you need no evidence to begin whatever digging you want. Next, the world you describe is the one that's a bureaucratic hell. If 'feelings' about others need to be reported and LEOs are obligated to always investigate 'just in case' they have merit, how much bureaucracy will that need? How would you like to be pulled over because someone had a 'bad feeling' about you and called 911 too to have you investigated 'just in case.' No police report needed to dispatch the nearest LEO.
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