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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. True. They've been laughing at how the rest of the world panicked because their old calendar ran out of pages.
  2. The world really ends 2/1/2013. See my post on the topic.
  3. I just looked at my calendar and it ends on 1/31/13.(The little 'next month' calendar in the upper corner is for Jan 2013.) There are no more dates listed after that so it means the world ends on Feb. 1st. --- A couple of years ago, we were on a tour lead by someone of Mayan descent, and we asked him about the whole end of the world thing. He said saying the Mayan calendar was predicting the end of the world would be the same as saying the calendar on your desk was predicting the end of the world because it only went through a certain date. It was people who had no clue on the sub
  4. Good point. Her title says Gel Candles, but the recipe is for Air Fresheners.
  5. They Mayans weren't in New Zealand!
  6. I say you're crazy! (Or is PM the one who's crazy?)
  7. All good points. The problem is, how do you identify the crazy people that need eliminated? Especially since my definition of crazy is probably different than yours.
  8. Apparently it was a school project: Eagle snatch WAS a hoax: Uni professor reveals how his students fooled the world with CGI footage of child being grabbed as he played in the park
  9. There was a time when being named Time person of the year meant something, but that was decades ago. Now it's just a meaningless tradition or another failing dead-tree periodical.
  10. 25% is way too high. If they can't account for it, how do they know only 15% is from leaking pipes? I wonder how many unmetered taps there are.
  11. Two simple questions for those who want to repeal the second amendment and ban all guns: 1) If we banned all citizen owned guns today, how long would it be before there were no guns left in the public arena - whether it be in the hands law abiding citizen or criminals? 2) Once law abiding citizens began turning in their guns, would crime involving guns increase or decrease?
  12. No, it would be well trained, background checked and certified citizens who happen to be teachers who are capable of defending the innocent within their care.
  13. I have an S3 and haven't had any problems. The case/battery cover does feel plasticy, but it's actually made from polycarbonate which means it can be made thinner than if it were plastic.
  14. Could it be they were put on a different route, and the other guys didn't know? As far as small companies being sold to larger companies - I think we'll be seeing more of that. With the costs of all the new regulations and health care mandates, it will be very difficult for small companies to compete at the same price point as the bigger guys. Especially with something as heavy regulated as the trash industry.
  15. Wouldn't that 'abuse' be the same if they were paying for their food?
  16. A private business voluntarily giving a free meal is the same as confiscating someone's money under threat of arrest and giving some of that money to someone else under the guise of welfare? My Link
  17. Old news. Seeing the number of views with no comment, I would think most agree - get back to us AFTER the FBI finds something worth reporting.
  18. Get back to us if and when they find something. In the meantime, there probably isn't anything constructive to add.
  19. In other words, talking to ourselves about ourselves. Some seem to do this more than others, and some even do it on a public web site.
  20. It might be important if you planned on eating there today.
  21. If I had a hammer I'd hammer in the morning . . .
  22. In this case, it's more like the men are picking the wrong woman.
  23. Good work! Did you pick up any Twinkies while you were there? They got in 5 pallets of them over the weekend.
  24. Word is the Wal*Mart on Dallas Highway just got in a few cases (or more) of twinkies.
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