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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. They found a problem during regular testing of an emergency backup generator. Their press release did say that power to some elevators and rest rooms was intermittent during further testing, but had been uninterrupted since 12:30 am. Another thing to consider is would the island be prepared for a few thousand unexpected guests wondering the streets in the middle of the night.
  2. Unless you read the P.Com political forum, you're not seeing EVERY TIME she posts, just a small percentage. In fact, if you were to see how she continually treats others in the Political Forum, you'd probably understand what's going on better. She's always belittling and insulting those who do not agree with her far left political philosophies.
  3. If I understand correctly, one boy posted that the other one is going to bring a gun, and everyone believes him and is freaking out? Is it because they have other evidence, or simply that the word gun was used? I understand the authorities need to take it seriously, but is that the extent of the threat?
  4. Serge only kills 'bad' people too! The question is - how would happen if Serge A. Storms and Dexter found about each other? But that's another topic.
  5. For a garden that size, if you're starting the seeds strictly to save money, I suggest you price everything you'll need to buy and compare with the price of the plants from a nursery.
  6. Just because the defense claims something doesn't mean it will factor into the final verdict. A claim like this will be shredded by the prosecution.
  7. It's about the same size as the one in Hiram, but much cleaner.
  8. If the OP is right, this must be in Bolivia, South America. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_Province Florida is a province in the Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia. Its capital is Samaipata.
  9. Forget their yard or driveway, put it at their front door.
  10. Wait a minute. Is Pluto a planet or not, and if not, how does it affect this cosmic energy? (Inquiring mind seeking knowlege.)
  11. Who's mocking. I'm just trying to figure this astrological thing is supposed to work. (i.e. seeking knowledge) What are the cosmological rules that apply? Will ALL people born tomorrow have some sort of advantage because 2 planets are 60 degrees apart? Or is it just those born in the few minutes the planets are perfectly positioned?
  12. Now I understand. We have to be drunk to truly understand the deep philosophy WT/TP/EB's trying to impart to us. (And maybe on a sugar high from all that pie.) :drinks:
  13. Everyone in the world born that day? They can forget details on their resumes, just put down they were born 3/8/13.
  14. So everyone in the world who is born on March 8,2013 will have some sort of special power?
  15. In other words you want us to let you talk with yourself on a public message board without interruption. Gotcha!
  16. The issue is you seem to be continually talking to yourself on a public board, trying to convince yourself that what others think doesn't matter. Then you complain when others tell you what they think.
  17. You mean every one of these 'self help' posts are actually directed at himself? They actually makes sense in that context.
  18. You know very well the science was just as settled in the 80's as it is now. Anyone who says otherwise is just a denier on the payroll of some big company.
  19. If you really believe that, why do you make so many posts telling everyone what your expectations are of them?
  20. Reply back doubling your asking price. Or re-list it with double your price and take the first one offering more than half - cash only.
  21. In the American state of South Carolina . . .
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