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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. I see this starts at 7:00. How late will it run?
  2. Is the on board credit per person or per cabin?
  3. I wouldn't call it a travel option as much as a vacation option. My wife and I are going to try to get there tonight.
  4. Someone dug up an old KGB weather control device.
  5. We had some discussion about it last week: http://www.paulding.com/forum/index.php?sh...5&hl=moscow
  6. You are right about still being able to book the cruise with Royal Caribbean, but the question about the ad is still legitimate. The ad in question is for a cruise sponsored by and booked through the Chamber of Commerce. Their web page has had the booking closed for a while. http://pauldingcountychamber.chambermaster...mp;eventid=6621
  7. It's not the school's fault that a kid goes home early and doesn't get the note. If it's that important to a parent, they should not allow their child to be on early release and instruct their child to make getting any note a priority. That puts the burden where it should be - between the parent and their child.
  8. If they tried to tell the parents that called why they were in lock down, it would cause bedlam. The first parents who called would have been told they were under lock down because a parent saw a student carrying a rife into the building.
  9. When most of the local population has never heard of or even seen rubber overshoes, you can't really blame them.
  10. The other option would to tell your 7year old if he finds something he shouldn't have is to quietly put it in someone else's back pack. From the NY times article:
  11. Those were Disney rainbows. They use a fancy hologram projector to create them.
  12. That's a very old term (from the 60's and earlier) used for rubber overshoes. They are used in the north to protect dress shoes from water, slush and snow.
  13. I got the red alert call from the county system at about 8:37.
  14. I guess the question is would the son have survived the wreck if he hadn't been wearing the seat belt?
  15. The experiment was to see if there was water on the moon. They found water. It was successful. They expected a visual show that didn't happen. Big deal!
  16. I agree. Finding the problem in the relationship and trying to correct is would be much cheaper then the alternative, which would still be an option later on.
  17. On our cruise, the 'being told when to eat' was only for the sit-down dining room, and we selected the seating time when we bought our tickets. Otherwise, there were plenty of choices on a reasonable schedule, including a buffet, sushi, deli, Chinese, grill, nachos, a 24 hour pizzeria and room service.
  18. Do an internet search on CLOUD RINGS or RING CLOUDS and you will find the theories about what can cause these. They are rare, but not unheard of. The search will result in 3 categories: 1 - Jewelry with clouds 2 - Scientific explanations and 3 - Conspiracy Theories You decide which you want to believe.
  19. Computers and email systems are not perfect. When you send an email, it could pass through a number of systems before getting to the destination. If one of systems has a hickup, it could result in a delay or non-delivery. Sometimes something can get stuck in a 'buffer' and not be pushed back out for months. Rare, but it does happen. Also, many e-mail programs allow you to put in a 'from' address that is not the same as the address you are actually using. It would take someone examining the email headers to determine the actual address it was sent from.
  20. Just say 'wrong number' and hang up.
  21. If we were to schedule a 7 night Eastern Caribbean cruise for next September sailing from a port within driving distance , how much are we looking at? What's the savings if we schedule on the 14th?
  22. Sometimes, just not having to make simple decisions like what restaurant to eat at adds to the relaxation. We just got back from our first cruise 2 weeks ago and it was the most relaxing time ever. We visited 4 ports and had a great time. It sounds like the all-inclusive would give the same benefit if you don't mind being 'stuck' at the same place for the entire time. Personally, I like the idea of visiting different places during the trip.
  23. Didn't I read here a month or two ago that there is a light scheduled to go up there in the next 6 months or so?
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