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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. When you ran your business you were able to close the books in 30 minutes?
  2. People pull carts for the same reason tractors pull trailers - more control than pushing.
  3. You're saying it's still done the old fashioned way - that there are no other form of donation other than paper checks sent to the candidate or their book keeper? No paypal type donations, no electronic checks or other forms that take a few days to be reconciled? If it's true that it's 100% paper checks, a day or two should be enough to get it done for local elections.
  4. Simple, it's just like in business. The period 'closes' on one date, but it takes a week or so to verify that all transactions have come in and are posted, check against bank records, etc. before they can close the books. I guess Surpip always closes the books for his business on the same day the period ends.
  5. I don't see anyone complaining about a low assessment - the OP was complaining about a high assessment.
  6. The political calls are coming from out of state numbers being made to local numbers.
  7. Another factor might be when the last time you had your AC looked at. It might not be running as efficiently as it did last year.
  8. So by your own admission, your own poll and the answers are meaningless. Answer this - How many times a day do you beat your wife? 1, 2, 3 or 5?
  9. Re-read my answer. I never said I didn't use them. In fact, I've been paying for them whether I agreed with the taxes or not. If I answer any question on your poll, I must answer all, which means I have to lie about the fire stations, etc. As stated earlier, your poll is no different than asking the question - have you stopped beating your wife? And only giving a YES or NO as the valid answer.
  10. I have no problem making use of resources once they are in place, whether or not I agreed with it at the time. In this case,I probably voted for the money that funded those items. I'm just saying NO MORE! There's still no option to say "I haven't benefited from any of these" in your poll.
  11. With out a 'no, I haven't used any of the above' answer for each question, it's an invalid poll. Whether or not I used any of the above, I will no longer vote 'yes' on any new or renewed tax.
  12. I do have one question - I can't help but wander - Was the rat problem they had due to the folks who wanted to run a 'no kill' facility trying to re-home the rodents?
  13. The sad part is I've seen notes from teachers that aren't much better.
  14. First, what qualifications does a person or organization need to have to be a 'rescue'? What permits, inspections, etc? Second - on the adopting out of unveted pets - when we adopted our dog, we had 30 days to have her 'fixed' and provide proof or a bench warrant would have been issued. Has this been changed?
  15. Poor babies! I'd hate to see what y'all will be like when you hit your big 5-0 like I did this week!
  16. How hard would it be to check for the thing and remove it? Worse - I hope it can't be turned inside out and put back.
  17. Some would define thriving as government handouts getting bigger and bigger, 'Evil' corporate profits dropping to nothing, and the number of folks employed by the federal government skyrockets. What's your definition?
  18. Why do you insist in insulting the brave men and women on that aircraft carrier. They indeed accomplished their mission and that's all the banner said.
  19. McCrystal realizes he's working for an incompetent CIC. I imagine a voluntary request for retirement would have been rejected under normal conditions, so he's forced the issue.
  20. Be careful with the smooth top. I had a coworker who had an expensive smooth top and it cracked. Fortunately it was still a few days before the warranty ran out and he acted quickly, or he would have been better off getting a new one rather than paying to get it repaired.
  21. A lot of people's problems with gas is they turn the heat up to high for the pan. The flames should never come up the sides - if it does, it's too high. In my experience is used right, gas heats a lot faster than electric. Also, electric continues to heat long after it's turned off, so if you don't want to burn things, you have to either remove the pot leaving the red hot burner exposed, or anticipate it and turn the burner off before things are done cooking.
  22. The hold does not put you over your limit, but it does affect your open credit until it clears.
  23. This is how primaries work - think back to your HS civics class. The Democrats could have just as easily had the question placed on their primary ballot. Your question should be why didn't they?
  24. You really need to hold on until the 3rd book - everything comes together then. I agree about Stewart - I just can't see her in a short haircut with piercings and tattoos.
  25. The third book is even better. Everything comes together and you learn a lot more about Lizabeth. Rumors are the author's life-long girlfriend has a laptop with a 4th book and a number of story outlines on it. Because he died without a will, his parents inherited everything and there have a lot of fights over who has the rights. As far as the actress to play her, remember she is an adult who looks like a teenager. I think they need to find someone who fits that description. An unknown actress would probably pull it off a lot better than any that have been mentioned. Again, I hope they
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