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Everything posted by VoicesInMyHead

  1. It is my understanding that the regulations require physicians to use only very specific guidelines for when and how to decide to end a life, and those guidelines are authored and maintained by the federal government. Since it is in the federal government's best interest to limit the number of people using government-funded healthcare services, it seems to be a conflict of interest. The government forces this action by requiring the physician to give *only* the government's guidelines, not their own guidelines. This means that the guidelines are at the whim of the government. Ten years
  2. I would buy four tickets... to everything.
  3. I'm not a chemist; I can't give you an answer. But, there are ways to replace things like plastic, for example. I have at my office (not sure how it got there) an ink pen whose entire body is made from corn. Yeah... corn. Looks and feels just like plastic (though it tastes like Kix cereal.... j/k). The old adage holds true; where there's a will there's a way. That applies, especially where money in concerned. If there was a need for a plastic-like substance and no oil to make said plastic-like substance, I have every faith in the scientific community that an alternative will be inven
  4. When the prices outweigh the ability to pay, then people won't pay. No pay = no profit. No profit = out of business. The owners of the company aren't looking to go out of business. The prices will adjust to what the market is willing to bear. Now, that may be more than you and I are willing to spend, true. I, as a matter of principle, am completely against price controls. It is nearly impossible for any group of people (much less our government) to come to a consensus as to what is "fair" to both producer and consumer. I don't want the government ever telling me how much I can charg
  5. I hate high gas prices as much as the next guy, but oil companies are free to make whatever profit they can from the product they sell; just like Krispy Kreme, Pizza Hut, PetSmart, and every other company who sells a product that has an audience willing to pay. If Krispy Kreme sold as many doughnuts as oil companies sell gallons of gas, they too would be raking in the dough (no pun intended). Those evil bastards.
  6. Exactly... we're subject to extinction just as much as every other creature who once roamed upon the Earth. We're a very small part of this GIANT process. We have very little if any influence on it in the much bigger and much more relevant picture of it all. What I do in my lifetime... what we all do in our collective lifetimes... is going to have such a minor influence on the massive history of this planet that it's negligible at its worst, and will probably have zero effects in totality. Despite what we'd like to believe, we're not nearly as important as we think. Now, should we m
  7. Sad that a comedian (a bright comedian, but a comedian nonetheless) has a better grip on this than the general public. (warning: some language) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtrT5oG_IVc
  8. All this talk about stopping climate change... it really ignores the REAL threat. CONTINENTAL DRIFT. The Atlantic Ocean will be shrunk to a dwarf of it's once-mighty size, landlocked between Africa, South America, and Eurasia. Suddenly, our backdoors will open up into the Congo! THE CONGO, PEOPLE!! Do you really want that? WAKE UP BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!!
  9. You're not going to troll me into a p-match. Sorry.
  10. I never said they didn't have a right to do it. I just said it doesn't belong there. If they want to muck up their mountain, then by golly go for it. They had every right to do it as much as I have the freedom to dislike it. Way to read into people's words, there. (And by artwork, I mean print... like portraits and the like.)
  11. I have to agree, as well. Sure, it depicts a rather important part of history... but text books and artwork are the places for that... not the side of a rather incredible mountain.
  12. I was born and raised on East Tennessee. Love it and have been trying to get back ever since I left. I've never been anywhere else that could come close to it.
  13. VoicesInMyHead


    I agree with the ant baits. Spraying won't kill the mound; it just kills the ones that are on the surface and deters the rest. They will find more ways to get in. The baits are carried back and they will kill the mound. It only takes a day or two.
  14. I have my own domain and mail server, so I can create an unlimited number of email addresses to use. I will almost always create a unique email address for any service that I sign up for, one which usually includes the name of the site I am using it with. For example, the address I used to sign up with Paulding.com reads something like vimh_paulding_com@mydomain.com(that's not my real address... don't try that one lol). It is highly unique and has only EVER been used for Paulding.com. Yet, alas, I get spam on it CONSTANTLY.. dozens a day, and I have for years, now. At some point, ei
  15. None of my Christmas gifts have ever been exceptionally "bad" (though I have given some pretty bad ones, in retrospect), but probably the most bizarre/funny/scratch-your-head gift was from my grandmother-in-law... ... 5 socks.
  16. Yes, that is very true. He should not take these. I put myself on glucosamine and chondroitin for a month to see if it would help an arthritic knee problem I was having. Not saying the stuff did this, but my knee only got worse. There was no improvement, at the very least.
  17. In case anyone hasn't noticed, the air is much, much colder now. And that's here at the surface. Up where jets are flying, it's even colder. In the summer, jets have to fly at a much higher altitude to get their exhaust to condense into contrails. In the winter (and in cold weather like we have now), jets at lower altitudes can create them, too. So, naturally, there will be more apparent contrails on a day like today than on others. Add to that the fact that there are many more commercial flights today for returning Thanksgiving travelers, and you've multiplied the number of contra
  18. I saw it. It was the contrails from a jet far on the horizon reflecting a nice red from the sunset. (It wasn't a fleeting light like a meteor)
  19. MCTS Exam 70-536 - Microsoft .NET Framework Application Development Foundation (I'm working towards my Microsoft Certified Professional Developer certification.)
  20. Ok, my wife wanted me to go on her behalf (honest story!) and take a look around to see what they had. Personally, the selection o'stuff was pretty lacking and the prices on the items she was interested in were sky high. I mean REALLY, REALLY high. If they want to survive, they're going to have to reconsider their pricing.
  21. I personally think disabling the signal is not only unfeasible but highly stupid (then again, this is government we're talking about here). Calling to report drunk drivers while trailing them; calling because you've been carjacked and taken hostage; data that flows across the same cellular connection for navigation; receiving important calls en-route; passengers doing any of these things. There are plenty of legitimate uses of cellular voice calls and data that do not create safety issues.
  22. I wouldn't be so sure about dismissing this, folks. On the way home from Marietta via Austell, there was a very well-defined wall cloud stretching across the sky, attached at one end to one ugly looking storm. Wall clouds are an indication of very organized rotation... and this was moving in a direction that would have taken it right over the area in Paulding county as it entered Austell where I was.
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